Lutherus Sotasius - Chapter V, Part I


    From the Journal of Lutherus Sotasius. Date of Entry: Heartfire, 2nd, 4E, 201.


    Lutherus finished writing his latest entry to his journal following a night of rest. He had got to sleep much later than Cienna, as he had been investigating Faendal's residence the night before. He found neither Faendal, nor Camilla, only a note that detailed Faendal's plea for Camilla's forgiveness, as well as his beg to her to not try to find him. Lutherus understood why - if the lie of Faendal being dead were to be rumbled, Camilla would be the first person that the Empire would come for, and monitor her every movement. In a time of civil disorder in Skyrim, the Empire would look to making examples of any deserter. Lutherus donned his Imperial Armour, and made to Cienna's room to wake her. Rather than knock on the door, Lutherus pushed it open. "Get up, Scout." Ordered Lutherus, as Head Auxiliary. The dreary Cienna, obviously as accustomed to Auxiliary sleeping patterns as Lutherus, groaned as she turned in the bed. "You can either get up now, or have the cold water." Threatened Lutherus, standing in the doorway.


    "Mmmm...fine. I'll get up." Remarked Cienna, as she got out from the bed.


    "Get dressed. we've got plenty of ground to cover today." Finished Lutherus, as he left the doorway and walked back into the Tavern's main hall. He approached Orgnar with Septim in hand. "Morning Orgnar."


    Orgnar, who didn't recongise the fully clad Imperial darted his head up. "Hello? Do I know you?"


    Lutherus was surprised, but took off his helment for Orgnar to recognise him.

    Orgnar squinted his eyes. "Lutherus? Is that you?"


    "The very same." Replied Lutherus, chuckling. Orgnar, who was a Nord looked ever so slightly disappointed, but not enough to rouse his secret support of the Stormcloaks. "Me and my Scout here would like some breakfast." Finished Lutherus.


    "Sure thing. Coming right up. Have a seat over there and I'll bring your food straight out. But hey, Lutherus?"




    "Faendal came back a few days ago, but it was like he was a totally different person. Silent, had his head to ground a lot, didn't even see him go to the Mill to work. Do you know whats up with him?"


    "Not a clue." Replied Lutherus. "Perhaps he's just having a bad day."


    "Yeah? Well, one of the Guards reported seeing him leave a few nights ago, with quite the baggage too. There's rumours circulating that he killed Hod, who hasn't returned from Whiterun yet."


    Lutherus look concerned. "Divines! Where would they get that idea from?"


    "Well, apparently Hod fired him, and some other guy who had worked the Mill for a week. Guards have speculated that Faendal took his redundancy personally, and murdered Hod in cold blood. They haven't confirmed this allegation yet nor produced a body, but it's got the whole village talking."


    Orgnar pulled Lutherus' and Cienna's breakfast from the stoked fire, cooked Venison and Leg of Goat with a side of Goat's cheese, finished off with a fresh Apple Pie, washed down with two Honningbrew Mead's. Lutherus took both plates of food and drinks back to the table that Cienna had occupied, as she listened to the morning bard. Finishing breakfast, the two Imperial's rose to leave the tavern. "Thanks Orgnar." Called Lutherus. "And please, do keep me updated if you hear anything." He finished.


    "No worries. Take care, friend." Replied Orgnar, as the two left. Cienna set alight a torch to guide the way through the dark morning, it would be some time before the pair arrived at Winterhold. Winterhold was of particular interest for Lutherus, as his original intention to come to Skyrim was to study at the College there. Now it seemed however, his only buisness at Winterhold would be to parlay with Praefect Oaken-Heart. On the road to Winterhold however, Lutherus and Cienna would unexpectedly happen upon a Khajiit, wandering in the wilderness. Lutherus moved to the Cat person to investigate.

    "Morning, Khajiit. What are you doing out here so early?"


    "What's it to you, Imperial?" Snapped the Khajiit in response. Lutherus could see from the Khajiit's eyes were disoriented and discoloured, indicating to Lutherus that he may be high on some illegal narcotic.


    "Why don't you sit down, Khajiit? You don't look so well."


    "No! I will not go back there!" Shouted the Khajiit, and swung his sharp claws at Lutherus head, which was exposed due to him not having his helment on.


    "Ach!" Screamed Lutherus, clutching the bleeding facial wound. Cienna intervened, and drew her sword to the Khajiiti attacker. With his spare hand, Lutherus drew his sword in kind, and took a swing at the nimble Khajiit. Realising that he was outnumbered 2 to 1, the Khajiit fled the scene. Instead of giving pursuit, Cienna came to her Head Auxiliary's aid.


    "Are you okay?!" She asked, worried.


    Lutherus moved his hand from the left side of his face, seeing through the light given from Cienna's torch, his palm completely caked in blood. "I could use a bandage."


    Cienna took to taking off her chest armour, and in ripping part of her shirt underneath, created a makeshift bandage for Lutherus. This was all she was capable of doing so far, further medical attention would need to be provided by Praefect Oaken-Heart. "Can you walk okay?" She asked.


    "Yeah." Replied Lutherus, rising to his feet. "I'll be fine. Lets just get to the Praefect before anything else happens."


    The two continued on the road to Winterhold, fortunately not encountering anymore Skooma barons along the way. They did however, happen upon a fortified position that spanned part of the White River, also blocking the road to Winterhold. Lutherus turned to Cienna.

    "Could be a Bandit hideout." He queried. Cienna knew instantly what mind he was thinking regarding to the current situation.


    "Head Auxiliary, I would advise, considering your current state that we avoid combat."


    Cienna had a point. Lutherus was already limited in his combat ability, having one of his eyes blinded by the bandage used to supress the bleeding on his face. Lutherus considered for a moment, before moving toward the sentry outside. The female Bandit approached him.


    "Halt! Toll road! 200 Septims from each of you!" She demanded. Lutherus responded instantly.


    "This is a Toll Road?" He questioned. "I know what you're up to out here, but rather then slaughter the lot of you, like I did at Bleak Falls Barrow, Embershard Mine and Redoran's Retreat, I think i'll make you a deal. 50 Septim. From both of us."

    The female Bandit, obviously disturbed by Lutherus' demand, and acknowledging that realistically he would have the advantage if a battle were to take place conceded. "Fine. You're not worth the trouble. Now get moving."


    "Thank you." Finished Lutherus, handing the 100 Septim over and went on his way, Cienna in tow. They continued their journey as the morning sun rolled over the mountains, and the morning birds began to chirp. "Only a little while to go now." Reassured Lutherus. They arrived at Winterhold just before midday, and in accordance to the information Cienna passed to him on the journey up there, made his way to the location where Praefect Oaken-Heart was based. The snow was heavy in this part of Skyrim, but not anywhere near as heavy as the snowfall he experienced at Bleak Falls Barrow. No, this snow was much more calmer and less dense. After managing to navigate through the rocky, hazardous terrain of Northern Skyrim, they finally came to a clearing, in which an Imperial camp had been made.

    As they drew nearer to the camp however, they noticed it's inhabitants were under attack by a pack of Mountain Wolves. Lutherus and Cienna drew their swords, and rushed to their aid of their colleagues. The wolves were fierce, only amplified by their hunger for human flesh, but the Imperials were able to beat them away, killing most of the pack in the frozen valley. "Nice moves, Auxiliaries." Came the voice from one man, sheathing his sword following the attack. By presence alone, Lutherus hunched that this was Praefect Oaken-Heart.


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