The Traveller from The Marsh - Chapter 3

  • A short chapter this time where two of the characters will part ways.


    Chapter 3


    25th of Rain's Hand 4E203, border with Hammerfell


    Both had slept well in the small but cosy inn. Their clothes were still damp when they donned them in the morning; even the warm fire had not dried them thoroughly it was that cold and damp.


    Ji'Arsha sat at one of the tables alone as he poured over a map of Hammerfell. “Up early?” Han-Ei asked as he joined him. “Yeah, figuring out my route.”

    “Where did you get that map?”


    “The trading post outside. They have a lot of strange goods in there if you want to take a look.”


    Han-Ei shrugged. “Not really interested at the moment. I might take a look later” he answered with a yawn tugging on his damp shirt. “Ugh, I want to get this dried before I put on my armour” he grumbled sitting closer to the fire pit. He looked back over at the map. Several cities were dotted about, some of which he had heard about some he hadn't.

    “What do you know about these places?” he asked.


    “Not a right lot. It will be a case of waiting and seeing when I get there.”


    The innkeeper came over to take their order for breakfast interrupting their conversation. Both ordered dried meat and vegetables washed down with ale for the inn didn't have much in the way of food. There was some exotic sounding foods from Hammerfell that neither were interested in.

    “Thought you might have wanted to try the local food first” Han-Ei suggested.


    The Khajiit wrinkled his nose. “Too spicy for me.” He answered with disgust. “Ill be sticking to whatever small animals I can find. Without curry or spices” he added.


    Han-Ei just laughed and got on with finishing his meal after which he left to take a bath & relieve himself whilst Ji'Arsha waited in the main room of the inn. He wondered why the argonian bothered; there was no point in bathing to put smelly clothes back on; the scent of argonian was very strong on his shirt.


    As his mind wandered he thought of Teekus and Shahvee; a strange couple. Han-Ei was right about her; she didn't suit the dragonborn at all and he wondered what Teekus saw in her. Perhaps he needed to find the first female to ensure that the dragonborn bloodline continued should he perish.


    As for Shahvee well, she had everything on a plate; from being a dockworker living in squalid conditions to being married to the most important argonian of their time living in luxury who could blame her? Unlike Han-Ei he knew that Teekus disregarded any sexual advances towards him from other races and actually poked jokes at Han-Ei for it. That was a subject he quickly pushed from his mind.


    After a while both left to collect their belongings and get dressed into their armour saying their goodbyes to the innkeeper. The small hamlet was much busier than the night before with traders gathering around the trading post and guards leaving the barracks for their morning shift. They decided to stop at the trading post to rid themselves of some of Teekus's stolen jewels in exchange for a new set of shirts and pants. Ji'Arsha purchased some lighter footwear & armour that would be more suitable for the new land he would be calling home.


    They left the store to see that the gate to Hammerfell was open with wagons travelling in both directions. Ji'Arsha quickened his pace to meet the border guard. The wagon heading into Hammerfell had stopped whilst the guards checked it's cargo. It was now or never; he didn't fancy another long walk.


    They stood looking down towards Hammerfell. It was a clear day and in front of them the road wound steeply down the mountain and out of sight. As Ji'Arsha's eyes followed the lie of the land; the road could just be seen again in the grassy lowlands weaving its way towards a city which could just be made out, the city of Elinhir nestled within the hills of in the east of Hammerfell. Ji'Arsha knew the Alik'r desert was at the other end of the province and there were most of the Khajiit. For now that city would be his destination.


    They moved aside to let the wagon which had finished it's inspection move through the gate. “Wait” cried out Ji'Arsha. “Where are you heading?”


    The driver scowled and didn't answer but he pulled on the reigns indicating to the horses he wanted them to stop. The driver's companion answered “Elinhir. You want a ride? There's room for two more, if you pay your way.”


    “Yes. Just give me a moment” he answered quickly.


    Han-Ei held out his hand and Ji'Arsha took it. “Guess this is it then. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?” he asked.


    Han-Ei shook his head. “No, I don't think my kind would be welcome there, besides I have a house in Riften and it's my home which I have worked hard for and I don't want to leave it behind.”


    Ji'Arsha actually looked very sorrowful. “I understand. I will send you a letter when I get settled to let you know how I'm getting on.”


    Han-Ei smiled revealing yellowed and broken teeth. “Honeyside, Riften.” That's all you need to put on the address. The local courier knows where I live. Ill look forward to reading it.”


    They hugged each other for a moment, the wagon driver looking on with interest at the strange sight. “Take care my friend. Remember if you find Hammerfell to be a place not for you, well you know where to find me” Han-Ei said.


    “Likewise. I thank you again for all that you have done for me. You are a decent man, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.” Ji'Arsha answered as he slowly let go of Han-Ei's hand and climbed aboard the wagon. Han-Ei nodded and looked down swallowing a lump in his throat.


    As the wagon pulled out Ji'Arsha waved and turned his back to him. Han-Ei watched the cart until it disappeared out of sight round the bend and turned back towards Skyrim. He knew that he would most likely never see the Khajiit again.


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1 Comment
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  February 21, 2016
    If Hammerfell has curry, I'm so there! :)