An Adventuring Orc - Chapter 1

  • Chapter 1 - An Adventuring Orc

    It was the early hours of the morning. The birds were just starting to wake up, and their incessant chirping filled the chilly air. Crunch A heavy foot trod through the pine needles, hesitated, then plodded on forward. Minutes later, a large, burly figure stepped into view. He was an orc, clad in iron plate mail with a large battleaxe slung across his shoulder. Setting the piece of beef that he had been gnawing all morning into his pouch, the orc took a quick look around. Kraltorikk, for that was his name, was trying to cross the border between Morrowind and Skyrim. A few unnecessary deaths in Morrowind had made the land unfriendly for him, and Kraltorikk was looking for a new place to find his fortune. As he stepped out onto the road, Kraltorrik quickly dropped to one knee and drew his battleaxe in one swift motion. His smooth, practiced motion bespoke of an orc who had seen his fair share of trouble in the past. The telltale clip-clop of horses and the rumbling of a wagon reached his ears. A band of soldiers were coming down the road. There were four of them, all tall and fair-haired, one of whom carried himself like one of the orc chieftains in Kraltorikk's homeland. “Nords,” breathed the young orc with more than a hint of disgust. Just as he was about to turn further down the road and wait for the soldiers to pass, he heard a shout, answered by more shouts on the far side of the road. Just as he swung his head towards the soldiers, he felt the unmistakeable WHACK of a club on the back of his helmet. “Damn,” thought Kraltorikk, then darkness clouded over him.

    Kraltorikk woke up, a throbbing pain in the back of his head. Groggily attempting to flex his cramped muslces, he noticed two things: the first thing was that his armor and axe was gone. The second thing he noticed was that his hands were bound. Kraltorikk looked around, and instantly recognized the one of the three soldiers he had seen on the road, the fierce looking leader, and one man he hadn't seen before. The man across from him looked Kraltorikk in the eye, and said, “Hey, you! Finally awake? You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.”

    (endnote – Hey guys this is my first time writing a story about my character. Just messing around and probably going to just add exerpts taken from my characters adventures and whatnot. I write way too specifically for me to attempt to chronicle Kraltorikk's entire adventure XD. Anyways hope you guys enjoy! I'll try to add a chapter at least two or three times a week. Any advice or comments are welcome!)


  • Casey Bui
    Casey Bui   ·  September 2, 2014
    Thanks guys!! :) classes are crazy right now but there's definitely a chapter 2 in the making :)
  • LokaCola
    LokaCola   ·  September 2, 2014
    Maybe a little bit short, but it does seem promising!
  • Laurie Bear
    Laurie Bear   ·  September 2, 2014
    Nice...  I like the part....  "A few unnecessary deaths in Morrowind had made the land unfriendly for him..."

  • Nik
    Nik   ·  August 31, 2014
    Listen, it depends on you and your writing. I am more of classic fantasy/high fantasy genre, and as such I write with a lot of background description and adding stuff only for the sake of making the writing more artistic.
    You are by all means are no...  more
  • Casey Bui
    Casey Bui   ·  August 31, 2014
    Lol thanks man that was really helpful. I was wondering about the length and how specific I should be. Didn't really have an idea of what was too long or if people would actually read it XD I'll take your comment into consideration in writing the next chapter! :)
  • Nik
    Nik   ·  August 31, 2014
    Well I read the chapter and here are my thoughts, and I hope you'll take it as poditive critique, as I intended it to be taken.
    First of all I'd label it as a prologue, not as a chapther. It is more of an introduction than itcs a chapther.
    Sec...  more