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  • Member
    November 14, 2016

    and my problem is re-writitis, especially after I get a fact wrong. Bah.

  • November 14, 2016
    I'm here to warm my aching hands by the fire, that's all. NaNo is taking a surprising amount out of me.
  • Member
    November 14, 2016
    Whoo. You and me both. That, and it's freakin' cold.
  • November 14, 2016

    Come sit by the fire, YiXiang-jo, I've brewed some tea. Do help yourself.

  • Member
    November 14, 2016
    At this point, I feel like faceplanting directly into the fire is the only way to warm up. But in any case, I've brought stuff for hot pot. :D
  • November 14, 2016

    Most excellent! If you would please get the broth ready, I've some oysters to add to the flavour, and enough soy sauce for a hundred pounds of beef...

  • Member
    November 17, 2016

    I bring the holiest of brews, apt for stimulating the mind of the writer! Coffee!


    In all seriousness, I've been overwhelmed with university. Yesterday, I finally got a decent time to write, where I finished AotQ part 17, but it's been rough. The next part will probably focus on the in-game Skywatch quests, where I plan on a few shockers. Stay tuned for that!


    Also, coffee ftw. EDIT: And I mean the epic Puerto Rican coffee, not the weird stuff the States drink. Of course, if anyone has Jamaican and/or Cuban, I'd be drinking that faster than Sheogorath eats cheese wheels. *Love* that stuff.

  • Member
    November 19, 2016
    Finally can write more consistently- university's slowing down. I actually completed a version of Part 18 of AotQ, which among other things featured the return of Synia, but I realized it was far too silly. Especially considering what's coming up in Part 19... *evil cackle* So, I'm rewriting basically the whole thing.
  • Member
    November 19, 2016

    I need to catch up with blogs. Everything going full NaNo atm so sorry about the silence. rest assured Howling will comence once more over the next few days.

  • November 19, 2016

    Ach. Same here. I'm slowing down but not quite done yet. I'll resume uploading in December.