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Lore Event: Defining the Bosmer

  • March 20, 2016

    The DB didn't actually harm the tree, only "scared" it a bit.

  • Member
    March 20, 2016

    If you choose to get the sapling, not the sap, Maurice convinces the tree to give a sapling instead. He is a devout Kynareth worshiper.

    His quotes can be found here: Link

  • Member
    March 20, 2016

    This is TES lore, Thorien. There's no right or wrong. Just theory and suspicions.

  • March 20, 2016
    Spriggans where also friendly on the Knights of the Nine DLC quest line in Oblivion when you pass Kyne's trial. Non hostile also.
  • March 20, 2016
    Also is annoying as hell... I wonder how Kynareth puts up with his rankings :P
  • March 20, 2016

    Well, to put it short, since Y'ffre is the most powerful Ehlnofey, I think that the laws of nature that he established work all over Nirn, while his presence may be the most prominent in the Southern regions, in Skyrim, Cyrodiil, etc. it's still the same Y'ffre nature. Kynareth/Kyne, on the other hand, is not exactly about laws of nature, more about weather. She influences the weather which in turn influences the environment and that is more prominent in the Northern region, that's why Men worship Kynareth.

  • March 20, 2016

    Good point, about the Crusader. I completely forgot about that. It´s when you aquire the Boots, right? 

  • March 20, 2016

    This is curious. I know exactly one case of a non-hostile Spriggan in Skyrim...

  • Member
    March 20, 2016

    I was going to relate to that. But due to my minimal experience with Oblivion, I didn't know much about the quest. Either than it had a black bear and spriggans.

  • March 20, 2016