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Tips & Tricks to make Telekinesis more useful

Tags: #Relycs 
  • Member
    May 10, 2016
    Wth guys :D. You know, I'm very grateful that you featured this discussion but there are a lot of Tipps&Tricks that are waaay more useful than this one. Dont get me wrong, but Telekinesis is crap.. Why would anyone use it for combat? :P
    I made this discussion because I didn't know where to put all of that "minblowing" information; you should feature content of people that really thought about how to make your gaming experience better.
    Here's a good example:

    Nevertheless, thank you.
  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    I think the idea is that the front page is supposed to feature new content, not content from 4 months ago.

    The Gold Route definitely is a good guide though.

  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    I still think you are seeing Telekinesis too much from a mechanics standpoint. For a lot of people, Telekinesis offers a ton of RP possibilities. The problem, as you put it, is that Telekinesis is crap if you are trying to use it as an offensive weapon.

    But doesn't that make what you've done here that much more important? Because Bethesda made Telekinesis so abysmal, RP'ers for whom Telekinesis might play an important role, need to know how best to make it work. The ideas you have compiled here arm them with that info. Telekinesis is a weapon--certainly not the sharpest or most deadly, but with the right compliments viable (for example: Quiet Casting perk + Marked for Death + Whirlwind Sprint + Sneak perks + Telekinesis = some fairly exciting combat). To power-gamers that means nothing, but to a Roleplayer it's pretty freaking sweet.

    I think this article has a well-deserved spot on the front page (even if its author doesn't agree ;D).

  • Member
    May 10, 2016
    @Albino: Excuses! Could have been one of the other glitches (although their usefulness is questionable too...). :P

    @Shin: You're right, I'm seeing almost 'everything' from a mechanics standpoint (have to check that Intervention tread...).
    It's just frustrating! Even with all of that stuff AND novice difficulty... You know, I tried Telekinetic combat with like 3 characters but it was sooo hard to get it to work, so in the end I deleted them without even trying :D.
    But anyway, I'm glad you're seeing it this way. Why cant I be like that, lol?
  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    Too bad, I like this one the most. 

  • Member
    May 10, 2016
    I bet you've never used it in combat :P.
  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    Good guide Relycs, a lot of interesting stuff here. I myself was mucking around with Telekinesis a while back, something I found a little situational (bot nonetheless very useful) was Bear Traps. You can actually pick these up with Telekinesis and throw them at enemies - when they hit an enemy they do the usual snapping shut and dealing damage. Alternatively you could use Telekinesis to subtly manipulate a minefield of bear traps from a distance, placing them along enemy patrol routes!

  • Member
    May 10, 2016
    Thanks :).
    I knew you can hold them but this one is pretty interesting. They also deliver diseases, if I remember right. It's a shame that you cant pick them up.
  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    i might add that a while ago i found out about holding large items in front of you as a shield, its part of my build. the best item i have found by far is the deathbrand treasure map

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    Awsome Relycs! I got schooled by reading this. ( If only my middle school days was spent reading and trying these kinds of T & T's. You just gave me an idea. Perhaps Telekinesis Dmg rating can be altered somehow. I'll look into it and If you're interested, I'll let you know what I find. Astounding! You're increditable!