Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Skyrim Character Building - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

  • Member
    August 25, 2016

    Hello and welcome to Skyrim Character Building! Before commenting or posting in here, please read and understand our GROUP RULES! If you want to make a build, then read the Character Building Guide as well.


    Check out THE CHARACTER BUILD ARCHIVES to browse our build collection!

    Character Build Ranks

    The group has a ranking system based on the number of 'likes' each build receives. Simply click on the links below to be taken to each rank's respective discussion page. You can also learn more about the ranking system here. Character Building Events use a separate ranking system; click here to view it and also read more about our past events.

    Bloodworks, the first rank, is for builds that have less than 20 likes. While many a new build often lands in here, you should always try to shoot for the higher ranks.

    Recognized, the second rank, is for builds that have 20-39 likes. These builds have proven themselves by passing through the Bloodworks and are worth a look.

    Exemplar, the third rank, is for quality builds that have 40-69 likes. Exemplar rank and above is a good place to look if you're after inspiration for your own build!

    Mythic, the fourth rank, is for high quality builds that have 70-99 likes. These builds are excellent examples of what the CB group is all about.

    Legendary, the fifth and final rank, is for builds with 100 likes or more. The group's most popular character builds can be found here. 

    Other Links

    Character Building Help Desk This is where you can seek general gameplay advice, get assistance on fine-tuning your build, or simply ask any questions about the Character Building group in general. All questions are welcome!

    Builders Discuss Archives  From team Varg'Ette, a comprehensive series of topics that discuss issues that builders often deal with, inviting input from all members. Designed to broaden the scope of character build discussions. 

    Build Recommendations Looking for a build to play? Ask here for something that matches your criteria.

    Suggestion Box Here you can post any ideas for new events, tags for the archives, or just general ideas for improving the group.

    The Character Building Recycle Bin In this discussion people describe abandoned or deleted character builds and get feedback from the community in hopes of making a "recycled" version.

    The Workshop – Working on a build and want to get some feedback on it before it's finished? Post it here!

    Character "Snapshots" – This discussion is for the builder who's looking to share a brief synopsis of the character behind their build.

    Character Building Resources   This a list of useful guides and other resources useful for character building.

    Character Building Contests  Looking to read about our past contests? Check them out here!

    Character Building Hall of Fame  The best builds the site has to offer can be found here.

    Character Build Likes from the Old Site  Posted a build on the old site and don't remember how many likes it has? Check here.