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Ruminations On The Atmoran Totem Gods

Tags: #nords  #Atmorans  #Gods 
  • July 24, 2017

    Thank you Paws for posting that, I had linked them before hand, but I guess I should have done what you did instead.

    Thank you again, Varieties of Faith was one of the books I did read and saw that line. That is what I drew from it Jhunal was popular, but once the Imperials came in he fell out of favor because the Nordic Old Ways have been completely killed off in a manner of speaking by the Imperials over time.

  • Member
    July 24, 2017

    The Last Blade said:

    Thank you Paws for posting that, I had linked them before hand, but I guess I should have done what you did instead.

    Thank you again, Varieties of Faith was one of the books I did read and saw that line. That is what I drew from it Jhunal was popular, but once the Imperials came in he fell out of favor because the Nordic Old Ways have been completely killed off in a manner of speaking by the Imperials over time.

    No worries Blade :) These lore debates are fun, but can often be stressful. By and large it is all interpretation and as such there is room for multiple points of view. The Jhunal thing is vague at best, and any source can be argued. But with Tsun's dialogue and extrapolating from VoF, I like to think that god was at one time held in high esteem. I quite like how Alessia took that unpopular god and made him liked again, one of the many praises I have for that wonderful lady :D

  • July 25, 2017

    Well, I'll just edit out the Mara\Kyne and Jhunal stuff then.

  • Member
    July 25, 2017

    If it's your interpretation, Veloth, then there isn't anything wrong, aye? There is room for more than a few interpretations, and as this was your ruminations on the gods, then it should be what you think that matters. The rest of us can have a different view or a number of different views, but it doesn't mean you can't have your own:) That's why we like TES lore, innit?

  • July 31, 2017

    Not sure about the atmoran gods, but roleplaying a scholar in skyrim for the first time and actually paying attention to the carvings in the each of the hall of stories was really fun. Hundreds of hours and I had never given them any thought. Just goes to show the level of detail thats in the game.