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    • 268 posts
    January 21, 2016 11:33 AM EST
    Also, there was not nearly enough Darth Jar Jar :P

    Aside from that, Overhate basically summed up my thoughts. Finn's betrayal of TFO makes no sense until you watch the movie multiple times and really think about it, there's no build up to anything at all, some characte obviously have a backstory which will be explained but for now their actions make no sense (Rey).

    Also, Kylo is awesome. So much potential there, and he seems to be the most in depth character.
    • 96 posts
    January 21, 2016 11:42 AM EST
    I dont hate it, I'm just terribly disappointed :D.
    Well.. I just dont like that nothing is ever explained or things are just... unbelievable. Distrust a storm trooper? Why, no thank you? They didn't even bother making this character interesting...
    I dont want to talk about Ren... But I'll do. How can he loose a pull-the-lightsaber-fight against someone who used the force only twice before, but still beeing able to stop a blaster-shot? Lol what? Why did he not just get the informations about the preparation of the rebells from Poe?

    I could continiue for hours, but I think you know what I mean, do you?
    • 288 posts
    January 21, 2016 12:57 PM EST

    Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul is the best duel in the whole series imo.

    And also has the best background music.

    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:00 PM EST

    Duel of the Fates rocks.

    And Obi-Wan vs Anakin/Yoda vs Palpatine was quite awesome, same with Yoda vs Dooku, even if it was short. 

    Though Mythbusters proved that, even if Obi had the high ground, Anakin could still hit his legs. That, and the ROTS game had an alternate level where Anakin leaps over Obi-Wan, kills him, kills Palpatine once he gains his red saber, then takes over the Empire

    • 288 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:01 PM EST

    I must agree with Relycs here. The prequels are full of flaws and I've criticized them a lot but they are stories well told by a good storyteller. The new one has lots of potential but the absence of George Lucas is obvious in the telling.

    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:17 PM EST

    Even George himself didn't exactly like the movie, as it didn't take enough risks

    • 288 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:28 PM EST

    Well, when the original trilogy came out it was just a cool space-based fairy-tale.

    After that, however, with all the games and books, and the prequels, it evolved into a full blown fantasy universe with its mythos and lore, etc.

    Disney discard all this and try to go back to the "space-based fairy-tale" mode.

    To be honest, I'm playing SW:TOR atm. and I'm enjoying the story way more than TFA.

    So I believe that's what Lucas referred to as "oldschool Star Wars" - discarding all of the progress made since the beginning.

    • 96 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:29 PM EST
    How often did you say this? If I may ask? :D
    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 1:34 PM EST

    I really liked all the lore added, since it fleshed out the world, and the EU characters were really interesting. Heck, Kylo is basically Darth Caedus, except with a  different mom and dad, but same first name!

    • 8 posts
    January 21, 2016 4:22 PM EST
    I'm sure everyone agrees it was a rehash of a new hope but I do think it provided some cool characters and a decent starting point for future films with (hopefully) more original plots but it was still cool to see an old favorite with new technology
  • January 21, 2016 5:43 PM EST
    "...because the prequels had at least an ok story..." I disagree. I think they were unnecessary and didn't add anything to Darth Vader's character. In fact I think making him the "Chosen One" was a bad move almost all around.
    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 5:57 PM EST

    We got to see how he got that way, and it allowed fo the awesome Clone Wars cartoon Him being the CH made him arrogant, more prone to fall

    • 1467 posts
    January 21, 2016 8:37 PM EST

    I have to disagree completely. Darth Vader works much better as a mysterious villain, who's exact story is unknown shining a light on him (And for least 10 years of his life right?) actually weakened his character.

    It's the same reason why I wouldn't want a prequel made to show off the Emperor's backstory, some villains work better as mysterious people, both Sith are examples of this. 

    I think the best prequel established was Force Unleashed, it allowed for a bit of depth to Vader, without moving into whiny brat mode, allowed the Rebellion to be more realistic and set up some pretty awesome characters. And it could have worked perfectly well without the Prequel Trilogy..

  • January 21, 2016 8:39 PM EST

    But none of it actually adds to his character. The only bit we didn't know already know from the original trilogy, that I can think of, is that he was the one who killed Luke and Leia's mother.

    We already knew he was seduced to the Dark Side by the Emperor, we already knew he was a noble jedi before becoming Vader (although movie Anakin hardly acted the noble, kind-hearted jedi and more the angry teen rebelling against his parents), we already knew he had a lover considering he has kids, and we already knew he hated what he had become.

    The Clone Wars did a better job. They gave Anakin a sense of humor and they didn't actually focus that much on the Chosen One storyline. By the way, apparently Anakin's birth was a virgin birth. What the hell?

    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 8:40 PM EST

    Or at least, make him a bit more like his Clone Wars self, 

  • January 21, 2016 8:45 PM EST

    DB, I think you would like this comedy routine from Patton Oswalt:

    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 9:01 PM EST

    He was created by the Force, apparently, or Plageius

    • 1467 posts
    January 21, 2016 9:03 PM EST

    I get what your saying, but still disagree.

    I feel like everything is explained as much as it's needed, perhaps not fully explained, but it's being designed to be explained more and more over the next 2 movies (Which, is the right decision when making a series). When reading a book you don't want everything explained to you right away, so why would you with a movie? 

    Finn, I really don't get all the criticism of Finn that's been shown. He's proven himself to Poe, Han Solo and helped deliver critical information to the Resistance...Sure he could be a traitor, but it's not like they're giving him top secret information, so far they let him in on one thing and that isn't exactly a massive secret (There were tonnes of random people in the room when talking about destroying Starkiller, anyone of them could have been a spy). 

    As for Ren, I'll admit I have to agree, though I do acknowledge the fact that we simply don't know enough about Rey yet to judge that. Though we do have to keep in mind that Kylo Ren isn't a fully trained Jedi/Sith yet.

    • 1467 posts
    January 21, 2016 9:08 PM EST

     It's great, just absolutely great. 

    • 1441 posts
    January 21, 2016 9:22 PM EST

    Yeah, he was being trained by Luke before Kylo and the others ganked all the Jedi, Luke left, and then Kylo was being trained by Snoke

    • 122 posts
    January 21, 2016 11:37 PM EST
    • 288 posts
    January 22, 2016 1:06 AM EST

    Vader as a script is ok in the prequels for me, after all we allready knew that he was once a noble jedi and a true friend before succumbing to the dark side.

    It's the actors that play Vader, especially the grown up one, that spoil the thing with less than perfect acting. The scene with Obi-Wan before the duel could have been one of the greatest SW moments with 2 good actors, instead of one, the same goes for the scene where he turns to the dark side.

    Speaking of which, Palpatine is one character who is expanded in the prequels and it's for the better.

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    January 22, 2016 1:08 AM EST

    It was Plageius

    • 649 posts
    January 22, 2016 2:35 AM EST

    Plageius and Sidious right? They were messing up with midichlorians, trying to shift the balance of Force towards the Dark Side, if I remember it correctly.

    • 1441 posts
    January 22, 2016 2:57 AM EST

    So, is that canon? Why would he do that, to try and see if he could create life as well as restore it?

    EDIT: That makes sense, and it sort of worked, but then Anakin was seduced by his son's cries of pain, and dear God that sounds wrong