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Fallout 4 Character builds?

    • 38 posts
    January 21, 2014 6:37 PM EST
    I was doing some thinking at work today and I'm assuming fallout 4 will hit shelves before the next elder scrolls, except of course ESO, Elder scrolls is my favorite series but fallout is a close second, and what better blog to post fallout 4 character builds on than this one? We already have the best character builders on the planet right here so why go anyplace else for fallout 4 builds? Anyway that's what I did today at work, came up with this masterful idea.
    • 229 posts
    January 21, 2014 8:03 PM EST

    Well since we have no idea about, well, anything, how can we make builds here?

    • 194 posts
    January 21, 2014 8:17 PM EST

    Please, no Fallout 4 posts until something official is released. The internet has been a terrible place to hang out ever since the rumors started.

    • 41 posts
    January 21, 2014 9:00 PM EST

    maybe a fallout 3 build?

    • 38 posts
    January 21, 2014 9:50 PM EST

    I still play fallout 3 but its a bit dated, and I'm not spreading rumors just using common since, fallout 3 was released years before skyrim, (i dont count New Vegas) it won all kinds of awards and made Bathesda a ton of money so i dont think there going to be dropping it, and fallout 4 more than likely will hit shelves before the next elder scrolls game. Not many will argue that logic. I don't want to come across like an asshole but i have seen guys in the Corps that had been gut shot whine less than some guys do about internet rumors, its the internet there are going to be rumors about everything, don't let it effect how you view other post.

    • 229 posts
    January 21, 2014 11:03 PM EST

    We're just saying we can't even make builds, because their is 0% Info on that stuff for Fallout 4. As for the whining, he just asked you not to make any Fallout 4 posts. And why don't you count FNV? It's a great Fallout game. As for everything else, you didn't exercise common sense in this post like you said because there really wasn't anything to use it on. You simply asked us for builds for Fallout 4. And we all are guessing that the next Fallout is coming, it's how they do it, one Elder Scrolls, one Fallout. Also, you misspelled Bethesda

    By the way, don't read this in a hostile tone, I'm trying to be informal, not a jerk

    • 38 posts
    January 21, 2014 11:29 PM EST

    Yeah i understand, but i wasn't talking about building a fallout 4 character right now, i was referring to the future, maybe i should have been more specific, i honestly did not think anyone would take it as a right this second kind of post. As for FNV, that wasn't all Bethesda, Obsidian had a huge role in that game unlike fallout 3, and i dont think FNV sucks, i just dont think it was nearly as good and fallout 3 in any way.

    I'm just anxious for another fallout, this blog took a already awesome game like Skyrim and made it even better for me, so was just testing the waters on how people felt about the future builds. But your right i'm kinda jumping the gun here.

    • 856 posts
    January 22, 2014 9:05 AM EST

    The topic of fallout builds has been discussed on the blog in the past. I suspect that when FO 4 is announced then the blog will form a Fallout Group. Fallout Builds will most likely be posted there.