U.O.T.W. Chapter 205 Best Laid Plans


    It was early next morning, just before dawn when Sotek was rudely woken by Legate Rikke. The Argonian’s eyes shot open to an Imperial’s shout as Rikke shoved her head inside his tent.

    “Wake up! You’re in the Legion now”.


    Sotek lifted his head up and peered at the Imperial Legate as his voice rumbled back like a half strangled wolf.

    “No I’m not”.


    “Humph! If this works you will be. Get up you lazy slob; main tent in five minutes. If you are on time I might tell you my plan”. Emphasising the need for haste, she grasped his arm and gave it a hefty yank, half pulling Sotek off the bed.


    A loud growl sent her off packing, leaving him alone once more. He watched her close the flap to the tent and he could have sworn she was smirking.


    Once Sotek got up he headed to her tent, or rather he was unwillingly pulled to her tent as she was waiting for him. The moment he stepped inside the marquee, flaps were pulled down then two lamps were lit adding extra light to the sun’s own as it had by now started to climb.


    Legate Rikke moved to the table and was quickly surrounded by several officers. When the group quietened down, she spoke loudly, dominating the tent.

    “Listen up, the general wants to unite Skyrim then attack Windhelm once all the other holds are under one banner. I have expressed concerns that this will take months whereas I want to end the war as fast as possible. By my reckoning, if Ulfric is gone then the rest will be easy. The General has his doubts but he has given me permission to try it. So this is top secret, if we are successful then the general is granted a quick and decisive victory”.


    She gave everyone a few seconds for the information to sink in before resuming her well rehearsed speech which Sotek noticed was directed at himself.

    “This entire operation is a massive gamble and it will have a high fatality rate so it’s strictly for volunteers only. All the soldiers here and who are taking part have been given the same choice I’m now giving to you, Sotek. You’re not Legion, so it’s your decision to help me or not. You all have five minutes to decide, those that are still in my tent in five minutes are in. As to the rest, I thank you for listening and I hope our friendship is enough to ask for your silence. That is all”. Then she retired to the far end of the tent as two soldiers opened it up.


    Sotek glanced across the table at her then he studied the map for several seconds. He nodded to himself then stepped back, exiting the tent. As he left, Rikke looked over to him. She gave him a slight smile and nodded in understanding but he never saw it. All the officers stayed behind and started talking amongst one another as they discussed her plans. She had told them all about it already and had indeed taken several points from the earlier meeting but, not being too sure of Sotek, she had decided to keep him in the dark for a little while longer. She now felt she made the right choice on keeping silent.


    Rikke’s mind wandered while her officer’s words seemed to pass by unnoticed and she fell into a tranquil state as she stared at the tent entrance. The Legate officer waited for ten minutes hoping that Sotek would change his mind, but after that time she resigned herself to him having left the camp. She just hoped he would keep his silence. She came out of the tent just to make sure he had departed for Whiterun. At first glance Legate Rikke couldn’t see him and she felt the sting of disappointment. With a heavy sigh, she talked to one of the guards who happened to be on duty, standing watch by the tent.

    “He’s left, hasn’t he?”


    When Legate Rikke spoke, the soldier jumped to attention. His eyes were fixed firmly to the front while his arms snapped to his sides. He peered down at her, his gaze followed the length of his nose as he asked her to repeat her question.

    “My apologies Legate Rikke; who has left?”


    She couldn’t help but sound despondent; she knew she needed Soteks help if her plan was to work. He fitted her long-term designs for Skyrim. If he followed her then she knew he could call upon the Companions who she regarded as useful allies for the dark times ahead.

    “Sotek has, he’s gone”.


    “Pardon me for speaking”. The guard said as he pointed towards a group of guards. “He’s by the fire”.


    “What? What’s he doing there?” Rikke asked as she moved to a better vantage point.


    The soldier shrugged as he followed Rikke who was now heading across the camp.

    “I believe he’s cooking himself breakfast. Rabbit I think”.


    She walked past the group of soldiers to see for herself and true enough Sotek was sitting at the fire cooking two skinned rabbits which he had skewered with a few arrows. Rikke wondered when he went out to hunt but the night watch told her that they hadn’t seen him leave the camp at all.


    She tried not to sound it but she failed miserably in her attempt to hide the fact that she was a bit confused by his actions. Sotek looked up at her when he felt her approach. He never spoke, he just patiently waited while Rikke gathered her thoughts.

    “Umm , I thought you had left”.


    “And I thought I was allowed breakfast”. He replied as he checked on the rabbit carcases. “Food first, then you tell me your plan, and only then will I decide to help or pull out”.


    “What if I don’t trust you enough to tell you my plan?” Rikke stated as she folded her arms across her chest. She wasn’t used to being held for ransom or forced into a corner and this Argonian was trying to do both as well as try her patience. “Have you thought of that?”


    Sotek laughed out loudly and slapped his leg with the palm of his hand. He shook his head at her as he chuckled.

    “If you didn’t want me or trusted me then you wouldn’t have left the tent to see if I had indeed left. You, my dear Legionnaire, would have simply shrugged your shoulders then carried on with the mission brief after commenting, ‘That got rid of the rabble’; or some other typical army insult. Yet just ten minutes have passed and here we are. Have you thought of that?”


    He rechecked the rabbit and nodded to himself, happy in the way they were cooked. Inside he was just as happy with the way Rikke was cooked as well.

    “Like I said food, then plan, and then I’ll decide”.


    She gave a bit of a smirk and pointed at the rabbit.

    “Don’t you eat it raw?”


    “What? I’m not an animal you know”. Sotek replied jestingly. He smiled at her and picked up a wooden plate to which he placed one whole rabbit carcass on before handing it cross to the officer.

    “You haven’t eaten either, so eat”.


    They both sat by the fire while they both talked about basic things. She spoke about her life in the Legion, while Sotek told her about his life in the Companions. After ten minutes or so Sotek got up and tipped the plate of bones on the fire.

    “Right; let’s hear your plan”. Then they headed off to the tent where the other officers waited.


    Sotek chose the corner of the tent where he could see the whole map while Rikke stood behind the table. She gave him a few moments to study the area marked ‘Pale’ so he could take in the terrain before she spoke.

    “Sotek, the others have listened to my plan, now it’s your turn. As I have said before, the general wants to unite Skyrim first. However, the general isn’t here; I am. The way I see it is this, if we hold these three forts, here near Dawnstar, here protecting Riften and here then we have a perfect front to openly threaten and even attack Windhelm’s territory, Eastmarch. Three armies from the forts joining up in a single attack; take Windhelm and remove the Jarl. Simple and fast”. As she spoke she pointed to the three forts which were crucial to her plans to take Eastmarch.


    She glanced down at the map, singling out one fort in particular. She knew her troops could handle the garrison there but that left a small problem; one which had to be dealt with first.

    “I can get a small but strong force to take this fort, but I can’t spare any to take out the small base. I need someone tough, capable and able to work alone to penetrate the camp defences and take it out”.


    “Cut the flattery”. Sotek stated. He knew she was thinking of him when she said it and judging by the smirks around the table, so did everyone else.


    Rikke nodded as she pressed her lips together, making her mouth look far smaller. She threw on the table a book, her diary, and watched it as it thumped down upon the map, crushing Whiterun beneath its leather bound cover.

    “I’m not begging you to help. You are either going to help or you are going home. Which is it?”


    “Beg?” Sotek stated as he leaned on the table towards her. “You ask the general to consider using me. You give me a choice to stay or leave when you want me to help and then you further this charade by trying to butter me up. I don’t need promises of payment or medals of honor. Flattery doesn’t cut any wood for the fire. Be straight and honest; try that”.


    “Ok you stubborn bastard. We’ll try it your way”. Rikke paused for a moment and pictured herself in Cyrodiil where she and the general met a fort’s garrison detachment for the first time. The general told her to be assertive; he taught her a lot that day. ‘Don’t dally about; be straight, sharp and strong. You are the sword of the empire; act like it’.

    “Sotek; I need you to take out this camp. It’s plagued us for too long and our hands are tied until it’s been removed. If it’s not dealt with then news of our attack will be well within Windhelm’s walls before we’ve reached the gate of the fort. Can you and ‘Scarface’ do it? Could you take it out by yourself?”


    Sotek looked at the map and studied the placement. Grimly he nodded back at her.

    “Now we’re at the crux of the matter. How many Stormcloaks?”


    Another officer, or Rikke’s steward, Sotek couldn’t be sure and he never felt it prudent to ask, shuffled through a pile notes and scribbles written on scraps of parchment. They plucked one out and handed it over to him.

    “About five soldiers”.


    “It’s currently under ‘observation’. It’s been useful being such a close proximity to enable me to spy on it and follow their movements but now I fear that the time has come to remove this blot on the landscape”. Rikke picked up a tankard of water and swallowed hard, wetting her dry throat. She placed it back on the table then tapped the rim a few times as she pondered upon her next move. “Are you up for it?”


    Sotek nodded back as his hand found its way to the handle of his axe. He felt restless so the distraction from Aela would do him good. All too readily he agreed.

    “Yes. When do you want it taken out?”


    “I would ask you to take it out tonight”. Rikke stated. She raised an eye brow as she double checked on Sotek’s willingness. “Will that be a problem?”


    Smirking, Sotek smiled back and shook his head.

    “Not unless you wanted prisoners”.


    “Yes I thought that might be the case. Good luck Sotek. Take it easy today, save your strength for tonight”. She then turned her attention to two scouts that approached.


    Sotek left the tent then had a look around the camp. The whole place seemed dreary yet the air was heavy like everyone was contemplating their own existence and death. The next moment he headed off into the forest on foot in the search for various plants and mushrooms. It didn’t take him long to find an area rich with plant life which he started gathering before placing them all in his pack.


    In one area of grassland, the mountain rocks had started to dominate the earth. As he was collecting moss from the rocks, he was alerted by a weak cry in the distance. He stopped and listened to the frail voice pleading for help. Sotek drew his axe and shield as he headed off in the direction to the plea.


    By the edge of a rocky path he found where the weak cry originated from. An Imperial soldier rested against a large boulder and he was covered in blood. In his hand was a bloodied cloth which he held to his side, obviously trying to close a wound. As he saw Sotek approach, his face turned to fear as his eyes opened wide.

    “Stormcloak! Stay away... Let me be; damn you”.


    Sotek paused for a second and watched as the man’s eyes watered. The Argonian weighed the situation and lowered his axe and shield before finally dropping them to the side in a patch of grass. He held his hands up, showing he meant no harm and cautiously approached the  soldier.

    “I’m no Stormcloak. I’m from the camp nearby. My name’s Sotek”.


    “You’re the Argonian? From Whiterun? Yes, I heard about you”. The soldier stated as he grimaced in pain.


    A faint gentle breeze brushed past Sotek’s face and with the touch of a feather it preyed upon his senses. A delicate touch, yet it was enough. Sotek stopped walking towards the injured soldier and sniffed at the air. He glanced behind himself and looked where his axe and shield lay. This was enough to let the would be ambushers know that they had been detected. Three soldiers in yellow tabards came out from hiding before he could even curse himself for being stupid. Holding his nerve, Sotek smiled at the soldier on the ground.



    The soldier chuckled and pulled himself up to his feet, throwing the bloody cloth away while the other three men moved around their hapless foe. Within seconds they completely surrounded Sotek while the ‘injured’ soldier bowed down as he introduced himself.

    “Welcome to the ranks of the glory of the dead. Tomorrow you’ll be a hero of the Imperials. But, first you have to give your life”.


    One of the other soldiers, who happened to be wearing the uniform of a Stormcloak, laughed.

    “We aren’t stinking Stormcloaks! I’m damned if I follow that madman. And we’re not Imperials either. We’re free traders. We take what we want from who we want and don’t count the cost in blood either. Where there’s a war, there’s blood, and where blood is spilt...”


    Sotek spat on the ground and finished the man’s sentence, although not necessarily how the man would have liked to end it.

    “There’s vultures. I wouldn’t worry about vultures though; by the time I’ve picked your bones there won’t be anything left for the vultures”.


    Having no weapons at his disposal without using magic, Sotek decided to pass the fight to someone who had his own. He yelled out as he transformed into his werewolf form. The yell took a heavier tone as it too changed into an ear piercing howl.


    Scarface stepped forwards and grasped the closest man by the waist, the Nord who was dressed as an injured Legion soldier. He picked up the ‘injured’ bandit and threw him into the stone boulder he had been resting against earlier. The man screamed as he was flung to the side until his head split open when it hit the solid mass of rock. The body slid down to stop in a heap near where Sotek had first discovered him.


    Scarface wasted no time and charged straight at two of the other men. True to their word of being naught but petty hyenas, they had little in the way of training and they were barely able to put up any form of resistance. Scarface’s first blow caught one man in the head, almost tearing it off from his body with the force of the strike.


    The second man thrust his sword straight at Scarface’s side, digging the blade in several inches, causing the werewolf to recoil. As he fell back he swiped out a second time, slashing massive tears in the man’s thigh and hip. He fell to the floor while Scarface flayed about, trying to remove the blade which had been abandoned due to the agonising wound which the man had sustained.


    Squeezing the hilt between both paws, Scarface managed to pull out the sword despite not being able to hold the blade. The weapon fell to the ground and clanged as it struck a rock.


    Several times the werewolf’s claws slashed and tore at the prone forms of the men as they tried to craw away.


    The fourth member ran, abandoning his fellow thieves and his claim on the loot they had collected. Scarface’s ears pricked up and twitched as they homed in on the sound of boots running along the grassy yet rocky terrain. The beast snarled as he fell onto his four paws and using his vastly superior speed, he soon caught up.


    The Nord looked behind then was flipped up as his legs were ripped out from under him. He tumbled in the air and landed hard on the rocky surface of the rolling hills, breaking an arm on impact. He burst into tears crying out for pity and mercy while the black looming shadow of the beast fell upon him.


    Scarface tilted his head and studied the weak specimen in front of him. A voice in the back of his mind steadied his paw from claiming a kill. He growled in obedience, accepting the man was to be kept alive. Scarface lifted up his hind leg, raising it up four feet before bringing his paw down using every muscle he had upon the Nord’s legs, shattering the bones like glass.


    The beast growled in satisfaction. Knowing the ‘prey’ was now immobilized, the werewolf was free to exploit his situation and feed, aiding in the healing of his injury. The body by the large rock was the first to fall foul of Scarface’s hunger while the two other bodies quickly succumbed to his appetite. After he had his fill, he turned to the last one left. The Nord was unconscious, the pain overloaded his senses, causing him to mercifully blackout. Unaware of what was happening; the man was lifted up and strewn over Scarface’s shoulder as he lumbered across the ground on his way back to the Imperial camp.


    Legate Rikke had the foresight to alert the camp sentries of Sotek’s ability to transform. Although this did initially earn her a few strange and almost outlandish glances and looks, it came in useful when one of the guards on duty saw a massive black form with piercing green emerald eyes stomp towards him.


    He yelled out as he drew his sword, almost screaming for Rikke to confirm the beast was indeed friendly.

     “Legate Rikke!! It’s... its coming in. By the Eights its huge”.


    Legate Rikke was still in the main tent and was unaware of Sotek’s scavenging trip to find plants. The lack of this information caused her considerable confusion and she yelled back for conformation.

    “What? Who is?”


    “To Oblivion and back! How am I supposed to know! Come see for yourself! Hurry”. The guard was now joined by three others. Each one had their weapons drawn and they formed a line of shields to block the creature’s pathway.


    Scarface was now twenty feet away when Rikke opened her tent. She heard several gasps but then she jumped in fright as a body landed with a bang by her feet. The Nord screamed from his legs which were twisted around like two snakes attached to his torso.


    Now that he had unburdened himself, Scarface changed back to his Argonian form. Sotek rolled his head around, removing the kinks in his neck before approaching the Legate officer.

    “This pathetic bastard set up an ambush with three ‘want to be Stormcloaks’! They’re looters, worse than thieving bandits but he might be able to tell you something of interest”.


    Legate Rikke leaned over the man and kicked him in the leg, adding to his pain.

    “I fight for my Emperor, for my family. Even the Stormcloaks fight for something! But you? You’re just scum”. She grabbed his broken arm and started twisting it around, causing him to scream even louder. With a wave of her arm, the quartermaster, a hulk of a man, came over along with two guards.


    As Rikke handed the Nord over she yelled in his face, almost drowning out his own screams.

    “I’ve seen good men die in this stinking war. It’s not for your benefit to get rich on the dead, so make it worth my time and tell me something; fast!!”


    Meanwhile Sotek went over to a spare tent and rested as he listened to the man scream and beg. All the while Rikke along with the quartermaster interrogated him. Ten minutes later the screaming stopped which told Sotek all he needed to know. The man had been executed.


    Sotek shrugged his shoulders as he tried to work out if it was an execution or a mercy killing. Either way it made little difference to the world around him.


    A few hours later Rikke approached the tent and poked her head inside. She called out in a frail whisper, causing Sotek to chuckle.

    “Sotek? Are you awake?”


    As he was sniggering at her, he knew there was little point pretending so he promptly sat up.



    “You did good work there. Our friend had some interesting information but I want to check it out. Meanwhile it’s time to attack the camp! Are you ready?”


    By now evening was fast approaching, giving Sotek a clear advantage to assault the enemy camp. With a confident nod, he gave her a smile and calmly stepped outside.


    One of the soldiers watched him nervously as he readied his horse.

    “You’re calm considering the fact that you’re going alone”.


    Sotek gave him a reassuring smile as he mounted the stallion Rikke had picked out for him.

    “I’m never alone”.


    To Rikke’s surprise, he travelled back along the route Scarface had taken when he entered the camp. The Legate officer called out to him as she pointed in the direction of the enemy position.

    “You’re going the wrong way! It’s in that direction”.


    Sotek yelled back. Although he never glanced over his shoulder, he could almost feel the funny looks he was getting.

    “I know!”


    In no time at all he arrived on the scene where Scarface had recently eaten. To Sotek’s relief, lying amongst the grass was his shield and axe which he had so foolishly abandoned when he first came across the Nord. Now with his axe back in its scabbard and his shield attached to the horse’s side, he turned around and rode off into the darkness in the search for the enemy camp.




14 Comments   |   The Sunflower Manual and 8 others like this.
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  August 14, 2017
    "Legion" should be capitalized all over this chapter. 

    “Legate Rikke!! It’s... its coming in. By the [Eight] its huge”. Eight should be capitalized and it's not a possessive noun so it doesn't need 's. 

    “I figh...  more
    • Sotek
      "Legion" should be capitalized all over this chapter. 

      “Legate Rikke!! It’s... its coming in. By the [Eight] its huge”. Eight should be capitalized and it's not a possessive noun so it doesn't need 's. 

      “I f...  more
        ·  August 16, 2017
      Fixed the errors. Thanks for pointing them out Ebonslayer. I am thankful for the time you take with this.

      I do hope the werewolves get to show their own characters more. There's a few occasions where I have tried to give them a moment...  more
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  February 23, 2017
    this was a great tale.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  February 18, 2017
    lol, I'm laughing at a source on werewolves, cause it's from the perspective of the Imperial legion. It's nice to see for 
    Sotek that the Imperial Legion has become more relaxed in its stance. Good luck on his mission. :D
    • A-Pocky-Hah!
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      lol, I'm laughing at a source on werewolves, cause it's from the perspective of the Imperial legion. It's nice to see for 
      Sotek that the Imperial Legion has become more relaxed in its stance. Good luck on his mission. :D
        ·  February 18, 2017
      That last line in the book is amusing. :D
      • Sotek
        That last line in the book is amusing. :D
          ·  February 18, 2017
        Listen everyone; this is just blatant propaganda set out by the Thalmor. Remember what race Albee is? We all know where Lissette's allegiance lays.  Let sleeping dogs lie. No one has ever been bitten by a sleeping dog.
        • The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          Listen everyone; this is just blatant propaganda set out by the Thalmor. Remember what race Albee is? We all know where Lissette's allegiance lays.  Let sleeping dogs lie. No one has ever been bitten by a sleeping dog.
            ·  February 18, 2017
          Uh, if you think for one instant that Albee's loyal to the thalmor...  :@
          • A-Pocky-Hah!
            The Long-Chapper
            The Long-Chapper
            The Long-Chapper
            Uh, if you think for one instant that Albee's loyal to the thalmor...  :@
              ·  February 18, 2017
            Here we go again with the Altmer = Thalmor mentality.  8-)
            • Sotek
              Here we go again with the Altmer = Thalmor mentality.  8-)
                ·  February 19, 2017
              I've been orc smacked.......  :'(
  • The Sunflower Manual
    The Sunflower Manual   ·  February 18, 2017
    Hmm, torture. Well, the Empire does use such methods, but the reliability of information obtained from such a hostile manner is... debatable. It's possible that the bandit could have lied. Of course, the Legion doesn't always have access to good spies, es...  more
    • A-Pocky-Hah!
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      Hmm, torture. Well, the Empire does use such methods, but the reliability of information obtained from such a hostile manner is... debatable. It's possible that the bandit could have lied. Of course, the Legion doesn't always have access to good spies, es...  more
        ·  February 18, 2017
      *cough* Penitus Oculatus *cough*
      • The Sunflower Manual
        The Sunflower Manual
        *cough* Penitus Oculatus *cough*
          ·  February 18, 2017
        The Oculatus can't be everywhere at once, though. By the time of the events of Skyrim, I think it seems that they're stretched quite thin, just like the rest of the Empire's forces.

        Of course, their agents could also just be hiding or underco...  more
        • Sotek
          The Sunflower Manual
          The Sunflower Manual
          The Sunflower Manual
          The Oculatus can't be everywhere at once, though. By the time of the events of Skyrim, I think it seems that they're stretched quite thin, just like the rest of the Empire's forces.

          Of course, their agents could also just be hiding or undercover, which w...  more
            ·  February 18, 2017
          If Carlotta in Whiterun is an agent then Iam soo screwed. She supplies Sotek with apples..........
    • Sotek
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      Hmm, torture. Well, the Empire does use such methods, but the reliability of information obtained from such a hostile manner is... debatable. It's possible that the bandit could have lied. Of course, the Legion doesn't always have access to good spies, es...  more
        ·  February 18, 2017
      You are completely right here Harrow. Then again the bandit/rogue isn't trained or anything so he would I expect spill all he had to tell. Then again being untrained would make such information second rate as well. Double edged knife....