A Forgemaster's Folly Part One

  • A Forgemaster's Folly

    Part One


    With a torch in one hand and a maul in the other, the Orc delved deeper in to the darkness. There was no fear in his heart, just the burning fire of determination. He would show them. He would show all of Tamriel the worth of his people.

    Most Orcs were fine with being looked down on and dismissed. Some even relished it. But not Gothos. No, Gothos had seen the treatment of his people and he rallied against it.

    He marvelled at the heroes of ages past. Like Gortwog gro-Nagorm who commanded the great Numidium. Or the Cursed Legion who rode to the protection of all Orc-kind. But he was spiteful of the modern Orcs who hid from the word behind their stronghold walls. Hiding wouldn't help, it just made the Orcs unknown. And people distrust and fear what they do not know.

    They call us stupid, Gothos thought to himself. And yet we farm lifeless hills where no others could.

    They call us backward, and yet our Wise Woman create alchemies that other have never even heard of.

    They think us illiterate because we do not write down our laws But we create poetry in every sword forged and every armour fashioned.

    They think us primitive and yet they call us the greatest smiths of men and mer. Surely they can see the contradiction in that?

    But it wasn't enough. The greatest smiths the Orcs may now be, but it wasn't always so.

    The engineers of the Dwemer once built machines of the likes never seen before or since. Great unknown engines built from unbreakable metal in the bowls of Nirn.

    Gothos was the greatest smith in all of Orsinium and had studied the work of the Deep Elves for most of his life. But even with the help of the Forgemasters Fingers he was unable to unlock the secrets of the Dwarven metal.

    That was until his studies gave him the location of a hidden forge. Not just any forge, but a forge of cold blue fire. A forge of Aetherium. Soon with his two hands he would create wonders.

    Gothos was close now. He could feel it. The noise was getting louder as he climbed lower through the ruins. The rumbling of the machines and whistling of the exhaust steam. But also another noise. One that he had not noticed before. A great thumping noise as if a hammer striking rock. It began to get louder thump thump thump thump until it sounded like it was coming from everywhere thump thump thump thump Gothos stopped. No, not everywhere. Behind him.    


  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  September 12, 2015
    I remember reading this when I just lurked on the site, I'll like it now though
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  September 8, 2015
    Oh yes! Me likey! And I look forward to more.
  • Veloth the Prophet
    Veloth the Prophet   ·  September 7, 2015
    Thanks mate  I forgot how small this was back when I wrote it. The next one will be a lot longer.
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  September 7, 2015
    Awesome piece man. Glad your continued it
  • Tolveor
    Tolveor   ·  November 9, 2014
    I see I've already liked it. I love the aetherium forge quest, especially the design of the last place where the forge is.
  • Veloth the Prophet
    Veloth the Prophet   ·  October 22, 2014
    Thank White Wolf 
  • WhiteW0lf20
    WhiteW0lf20   ·  October 21, 2014
    Wow, that sounds like its going to be a really awesome story, cant wait till the next one :)
  • Veloth the Prophet
    Veloth the Prophet   ·  October 20, 2014
    Haha ah well you never know
  • Alastor
    Alastor   ·  October 20, 2014
    All for naught. Lol! I like how you take a go-getter and build him up like he's gonna be something. Unless Katria saves his arse we'll have a crispy critter on our hands.