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  • Bolrin the Bold - Part 2 - Felicia (Character Backstory)

      Bolrin the Bold Part 2 - Felicia Bolrin slammed the mug back on the bar top. How many drinks was that? He had lost count. He glanced over at the intimidating Imperial who now had two companions around him. They occasionally laughed amongst themselves, all the while observing the drunken Bosmer. Bo...
  • Bolrin the Bold - Part 1 - The Early Years (Character Backstory)

      Bolrin the Bold Part 1 - Early Years The honey colored liquid swirled about at the bottom of the mug. In one quick gulp, he downed his sixth cup of mead. The Imperial two seats away eyed him suspiciously, he wanted trouble. Bolrin rarely left a tavern without it, midnight brawls with the watch we...