The Seekers - Part 2: The Journey Begins

  • "You're WHAT? You're trying to track down the Challenger?"
    "Why, yes, that Is what I said - "
    "While running around ancient ruins murdering anything I come across in the service of scholars does give me an appreciation for history, I'm afraid this is a simply massive task. There's been no trace of him for almost a decade - and a blurry one at that!"
    "Look, I don't really care what you think of my work, your job is just to look intimidating and cut down anything that opposes us. I can ensure you're well paid for your services - "
    Rykon leaned forward. "And just how well paid would that be, Ariem?"
    "500 septims now, and another 200 every month until I reach my goal."
    Rykon shook his head. "Not good enough. I want a 50% share of any spoils we find."
    "That's ridiculous!" Ariem replied, getting more frustrated by the second.
    "Hey, I'm trying to make a living here! I could earn much more doing one-off jobs instead of this epic quest of yours."
    "Fine! Take all the bloody treasure for all I care, but I'm not paying you more than 100 per month!"
    By this point they were nearly shouting at each other, the rest of the patrons watching on. Rykon grabbed his pack and motioned towards the door. "Shall we?"

    Stepping outside into the night chill of Windhelm, Ariem and Rykon discussed the specifics on their deal. Agreeing upon what was considered fair terms by Rykon (and not quite so fair by Ariem), they returned to the inn and booked rooms for the night.

    Setting off from Windhelm at dawn, Ariem led the pair down the south road toward Riften. Ariem sat on the back of her horse, poring over a map of the province and making notes. As they neared the southern end of the Eastmarch swamps, Rykon spoke.
    "So where exactly are going going, my lady? I could be of more assistance if I knew of your plans..."
    "All you need to worry about is making sure we're not killed on our way to our destination. That's what I hired you for; I suggest you do your job."
    "You've been working with that map for some time - tell me Ariem, have you ever been to Skyrim before?"
    "Then perhaps you should let me take the lead, considering I've been working in this country for almost a decade!" Rykon replied. Ariem wasn't sure if she was supposed to take it as a suggestion or a demand, but she thought it might be for the best.
    "Very well. Our first destination is Fort Dawnguard," Ariem said, almost begrudginly.
    "She really liked to be in charge, doesn't she?" thought Rykon, before replying to Ariem.
    "Ah, the well-known allies of the Challenger! I ran a few stints with them a couple of years back - vampire hunting isn't really my thing."
    "Well, o knowledgeable man of Skyrim, what do you suggest we do other than take the well-patrolled road to the Fort?"
    Rykon guided his horse over next to Ariem. "There's a track that runs through the woods to the west. We could reach Fort Dawnguard by nightfall, or if you like we could trek up the mountains to where the Challenger slew the Ebony Warrior in single combat," he said, tracing with his finger on the map.
    "And this path is safe? I haven't had the best experiences with paths through the woods in the past..." Ariem asked, quizzicaly.
    "I assure you that you have nothing to fear. Now, to the site of the battle or to the Fort?"

    The pair guided their horses off the road as they entered the Rift, following the foot of the mountain range. The eternal autumn in the Rift was a welcome reprive from the bitter cold Ariem had experienced over the last few weeks. All of a sudden Rykon stopped his horse and held up a clenched fist. "Hear that?" he whispered, motioning toward a small clearing in front of them. Listening intently Ariem heard at least half a dozen pairs of footsteps approaching. Glaring at Rykon, she whispered angrily. "I thought you said the path was safe, fool!" A sly grin grew across Rykon's face. "I said that you had nothing to fear. Now, stay here and let me do what you're paying me for."

    Rykon dismounted and led his horse into the clearing. A group of 6 bandits revealed themselves on the other side. They were about 50 feet away - two archers, two axemen, and their leader with a formidable looking greatsword. "Enchanted, perhaps? I knew coming this way was a good idea," Rykon thought to himself. Removing the bow from his back, he positioned himself such that the horse was between him and the bandits. "Hail, friends!" Rykon shouted to the bandits. "What can I do for you?"
    "You see, we charge a toll for maintaining the trail through the woods. For a handsome price of 100 septims you're free to go," the bandits' leader replied gruffly, in a thick Nordic accent.
    "And what about my friend? Do I have to pay for her too?"
    "I think we could get a much better price for the Thalmor bitches' head," the leader replied, laughing. "What do you think, boys?"
    The bandits laughed. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Rykon replied, a tone of menace in his voice.
    "A Thalmor sympathizer then, eh? Either you think you can take my boys and I on, or you're dumb and stupid."
    "Is that so? Any competent leader of a small squad wouldn't have his two marksmen standing so close together."

    As the leader stole a quick glance at his groups' formation - the archers were indeed side by side - Rykon stepped out from behind his steed, bow drawn, and buried an arrow in both of their necks in quick succession. The leader and two axemen charged, the leader somewhat slowed down by his heavy armor. Dropping the bow, Rykon pulled his mace and sword from his belt, and braced himself. The first axeman lunged forward with no regard to defense, and Rykon smashed his shield aside using the mace in his right hand before following up with an overhead strike from the sword in his left, severing the shield arm. Sweeping his mace towards the other axeman, he parried a charging blow aside before burying his sword in the axeman's chest. Briefly taken aback by his 4 dead comrades, the leader circled Rykon more carefully. Rykon went on the defensive, holding his sword in a defensive posture. The bandit roared and made a sweeping attack with the greatsword at Rykon's midsection - easily dodged - before using the momentum of the blade to launch into an overhead. Rykon blocked high with his sword, guiding the larger blade down to his side. Sparks arced down Rykon's sword, but the mercenary remained unfazed. The greatsword slammed into the ground harmlessly - now it was Rykon's turn. Smashing his mace into the bandit's grip, a howl of pain rang through the clearing and the greatsword fell to the ground. A follow-up attack from Rykon's blade threw him onto his back, and the mace caved in his breastplate - the bandit was no more.

    Looking back towards Ariem, Rykon found her with mouth agape. It seemed she'd lost at least some of the contempt she held for the mercenary; she even smiled a little. "I haven't seen a display like that in some time. You have skill, I'll give you that."
    Mounting his horse, Rykon grinned and replied. "What did I tell you? You're perfectly safe!"


  • Nelaf
    Nelaf   ·  September 15, 2013
    I'm sorry about the homepage getting filled up with my mug, but these are too much of a good read not to like. I blame Ponty . Damn your literary skills my good man!
  • Infernus
    Infernus   ·  March 5, 2013
    I got the same impression from reading that....
    great read though, i look forward to the next installment.
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  March 4, 2013
    Probably for the best XD
  • Zach
    Zach   ·  March 4, 2013
    Or maybe you are saying that to dispel any thoughts of that, so that when it does happen it is an even bigger surprise. This loop could go on for ever so I will leave it there..
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  March 4, 2013
    lol, I wouldn't pull that stupid of a plot twist
  • Zach
    Zach   ·  March 4, 2013
    I like the series... I have a sneaking suspicion that Rykon is secretly Marcellus