POLL The Artifact Poll of Polls

  • Over the course of Artifact Week we have had a series of polls about Daedric, Aedric, Legendary and Classic Elder Scrolls Artifacts. Almost 2000 votes have been cast and we now have our finalists for a 'Poll of Polls' to determine the absolute favourite

    This poll is going to run over the weekend (so there won't be a Deathmatch this week) so you have three days to cast your vote.

    Will you go for the obvious - but somewhat vanilla - popular artifacts? Or will you vote to promote one of the more interesting or historical artifacts? Well, the choice is YOURS.

    Vote - and comment - and let's see which is the favourite of the readers of The Tamriel Vault.


  • Gary
    Gary   ·  July 12, 2015
    When I think about it, ahzidal's whole set is boss, walking on water and when someone hits you they become paralyzed. 
  • Edana
    Edana   ·  July 10, 2015
    Dawnbreaker... because, like Meridia, I loathe the undead.
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  July 10, 2015
    Umbra for the win!
  • Seeks-many-stars
    Seeks-many-stars   ·  July 10, 2015
    Umbra Ftw.