KopisGaming's ToC

  • The Chronicles of the Dovahkriid


      Born in the Summerset Isle in the year 387 of the first era, Satan grew up in the slums of Alinor, and being a underfed, poor, and not as physically capable as his peers, he was always the one who was mistreated; the entire town spat at him and called him a “Pathetic half-breed.” Satan, now at the age of 14 had finally had enough. He had decided to fight fire with fire, he stolen all the food he could and used the entire city as his gymnasium, he also loved it when the guards chased him. The following years had been a remarkable time for Satan, he grew taller, stronger, faster, sneakier, and more robust.


    Character Build : The Planewalker



      This build means the world to me, it represents 5 1/2 years of my life that I have been playing and appreciating this character. Do take into consideration, that this type of character is the "Do everything" kind of character. A completionist's wet dream (did I say that right?). So, without holding you back any longer.... I present to you....


     Character Build : Winter's Woe

    So, since my disappearance a couple years ago, I've had a number of playthroughs, but a character I have on ESO inspired me to make this. Vanik Ice-Heart, was his name. A build that is not just a singular path of ice and frost, but forks into seperate sub-builds. The path of the Glacial Fortress, and that of the Winterborn Eruptor, both culminate into the frost mages final form. The Glacial Permafrost.


    Author's Note:

    I'll update as I publish more character builds and backstories.



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