Bound in Blood - Chapter 5: The Barrow

  • Bound in Blood

    Chapter 5: The Barrow


    "Ah, my head." said Val as she got out of her bed. "To much mead."


    "There should be no mead for you." said Theryn as he got dressed. "You're fifteen."


    "You're fifteen." said Val sarcastically. "A little mead won't kill me."


    Theryn chuckled. "Didn't you just say you  had to much mead?" he said as he put his sword on his back.


    "Uh, no." said Val.


    They exited the Bannered Mare and made their way towards the city gates. "I'll meet you at the gates." said Theryn as he turned towards a shop.


    Val got out of Whiterun and went down to the stables. "Can I pet the horse?" she asked the stable owner. The owner grabbed one of the horses and got him out of the stable. "Try it with him."


    Val put her hand on the horse as the horse lowered his head. "What is his name?" she asked. The stable owner petted the horse as well. "He is called Thorne. He's 12 years old."


    Val continued petting the horse when Theryn arrived. "Come on, we have to hurry." he said as he gave her a package.


    "What's this?" asked Val. "It's a book. You'll like it." said Theryn as they went west.


    Val opened the package and saw the name of the book, Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim. "Thank you, Theryn." said Val as she started jumping and smiling, showing her excitement over Theryn's gift.


    Theryn laughed. "I knew you would like it." he said.


    "I've always wanted to get my hands on this book. How much did you give for it?" asked Val. Theryn smiled. "48 septims." he said.


    Val's smile was now gone from here face. "48 septims? That leaves with nothing in the bag!" she said. Theryn smiled. "Don't worry. I'm sure that your alchemy skills will be helpful to us. We'll get more money." he said.


    They continued their trek towards Bleak Falls Barrow when they saw three men in Imperial armor in the distance surrounded by three dead men.


    Theryn pulled Val behind a rock. "Hey! What's wrong?" she asked. Theryn pointed at the three men. "Trouble."


    Val looked at them. "They're just Imperial soldiers." Theryn pointed at the three dead men.


    "Imperials never leave dead people in the open, not even enemies. They would bury them or dispose of the bodies. They aren't bandits either. Bandits don't stick around their raid targets longer then 15 minutes. They are vampires." he said.


    "How do you know these things?" asked Val.


    "It's all in the way they move and act. Look at their surroundings. The small things give you the most information." Theryn explained.


    "How will you take them down?" asked Val. She was shocked by the answer. "I'm not. You are." said Theryn.


    "WHAT?" she said. "They have a weakness to molag. I thought you the flames spell. You hide behind the rock and wait for my signal. I'm gonna attract their attention." said Theryn as he stood up.


    "Weakness to what?" asked Val. Theryn translated the word. "Fire." he said.


    "HEY! Over here you bloodsucking scum!" yelled Theryn as the three vampires sprinted towards him. As they got close to him, Theryn said. "Now!"


    Val jumped out behind the rock and covered the vampires in fire. Theryn jumped towards them and with a quick swing took off the head of the first vampire. The other two vampires started to recover as Val ran out of energy. Theryn swinged his sword but was countered by the vampire which pulled out his own sword.


    "I'm gonna have fun with your girl after you die." said the vampire. Theryn kicked him down on the ground. "You won't be able to use those fangs after I'm done with you." said Theryn.


    The vampire stood back up when he got hit by fire again. "When she's done with you. My bad." said Theryn with a smile on his face.


    He slashed the vampire with his sword and cut off his arm. He then turned to the other vampire which started to run away.


    "He's making a run for it." said Val. Theryn smiled. "Not for long."


    He threw his sword which hit the vampire in his back and it came out through it's chest. The vampire hit the ground with blood flying out of his chest and mouth.


    The vampire turned around and saw Theryn standing above him with Val behind him. "To which clan do you belong to?" Theryn asked.


    The vampire spit the blood that was in his mouth. "What do you care? Soon, the tiranny of the sun will end and we will have this world." he said. Theryn sighed. "Oh, please. Hundreds have tried to end the sun and have failed. You're just another name on the list." said Theryn as he swinged his sword and cut of the vampire's head.


    "What do you mean, end the sun?" asked Val.


    Theryn smiled. "Nothing, just some story. There's some kind of a prophecy to end the sun, turn it off. It's just a story."


    They made their way up the mountain and made it to Bleak Falls Barrow. They saw several bandits at the entrance. "Stay here." said Theryn to Val as he took out his daggers.


    The first bandit didn't even react as Theryn's dagger hit him in the throat. Therynn quickly took his dagger and hid behind a pillar as another bandit came to investigate the comotion.


    "Hey, Val." said Theryn as quietly as he could. As Val looked at him, he showed her to scream. She nodded. "AAAHHH!"


    The bandit turned towards the scream and Theryn made his move. But the bandit heard him and turned in time to counter the blow. The bandit grabbed Theryn and threw him at the pillar he was hiding behind. "Damn!" said Theryn as he stood up.


    The bandit took out his warhammer. "I'm gonna smash 'ya head like cabbage." he said. "You will try." said Theryn.


    Theryn jumped out of the way as the bandit brought the hammer down. The rock broke from the blow. Theryn slashed him with his dagger. The bandit tried to stop the blood going out from his wound as Theryn struck again, jamming the dagger in his shoulder. The bandit fell down with his last breath. Theryn used his other dagger and struck the bandit in the head, ending his life.


    "You okay?" asked Val. Theryn took out the other dagger. "Yes, I'm fine." he said.


    They continued into the barrow. "Whoa. This is amazing." said Val as she looked around. Altough it was in ruin, the tomb was still breath taking. Theryn smiled as he looked at her. "You never saw a nordic tomb before? You're a Nord for Auri - El's sake."


    "I wanted to, but my parents never took me to one. It was to expensive to travel to Skyrim all the way from Bravil just to see a ruin." said Val as she approached a carving on the wall to get a closer look at it.


    "Come on, it's already noon. We should hurry it up a little." said Theryn.


    They continued forward, depper into the tomb. They passed several carvings and artifacts on their walk through the ruin.


    "Hey, Val." said Theryn as he picked up an old book. "Take a look at this. It's a spell tome." He gave her the book.


    "It's a lesser ward spell. It's amazing. Thank you Theryn." she said as she put the book in her pack.


    After a while they came upon a huge room covered in webbing. "Be carefull, Val. This is a spider nest."


    They walked in and at the end of the room they saw a dunmer covered in web. "We have to get him out." siad Val.


    "No." said Theryn. "He's a bandit."


    "What's that?" asked Val s she pointed at a golden claw on the floor. "I don't know." said Theryn as he picked it up. He turned it around and saw three animals on the claw.


    "Let's go." said Theryn as they passed by the Dunmer. "What about me?" he asked.


    "You made your choice when you became a criminal." said Theryn as he and Val went into the corridor.


    "NO! You can't just leave me." said the Dunmer as he heard a sound above him. He lifted his head and saw a giant spider. "HEL..." he screamed as the spider attacked him.


    Theryn and Val made their way into the cave's beneath the tomb. "Tread carefully. We don't want to wake up the draugr." said Theryn as they entered a room full of coffins.


    They moved forward without incidents and came upon a giant wall with something inscribed on it and a coffin.


    "The dragonstone is probably inside the coffin." said Theryn as he jammed his sword into the coffin, trying to open it.


    In the meantime, Val approached the wall and looked at the inscribed wwords. At that moment. "AAAHHH!" she screamed and fell to the ground.


    "Val!" yelled Theryn as he ran to her. "You okay?" he asked.


    "I'm fine. My head hurt like crazy just now." said Val.


    At that moment the coffin exploded and a draugr came out.


    The draugr looked at them and inhaled. "FUS RO DAH!" he yelled as a shockwave sent Theryn and Val flying.


    They hit the wall behind them. Theryn stood up. "Val. Do your thing." he said. Soon enough, the draugr was covered in fire.


    Theryn attacked him and slashed him across the chest. The draugr fell to his knees and got his head taken off with a quick swing.


    Val looked inside. "I think I found it." she said as she took out a stone with Skyrim's map carved in it.


    "That's it. Come on. Let's get to Whiterun before night falls." said Theryn as they went towards the exit.


    As they left, Val looked at the wall one more time, wondering why her head hurt so much after touching it.


     CHAPTER 4: Party in Dragonsreach                                                      Table of Contents                                                        CHAPTER 6: Dragonborn


4 Comments   |   Sotek and 2 others like this.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  March 7, 2017
    hehe, guess who the Dovahkiin is.
    • DeltaFox
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      hehe, guess who the Dovahkiin is.
        ·  March 8, 2017
      haha, easy guess game.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  March 7, 2017
    First Vampires then Bandits.... And after that they have undead to deal with....
    At least they didn't have to contend with the spider. It was a nice touch leaving the bandit for the spider to deal with...
    Side Note...
    Added the link to...  more
    • DeltaFox
      First Vampires then Bandits.... And after that they have undead to deal with....
      At least they didn't have to contend with the spider. It was a nice touch leaving the bandit for the spider to deal with...
      Side Note...
      Added the link to chapter 4.
        ·  March 7, 2017
      Yeah, I wanted to include spiders and more draugr, but I passed through that dungeon a million time and decided to make it easy for Theryn and Val.