The Daughter of Evergloam (CH 3.)

  • The trek was not without incident, though most of it Lexia had spent stalling only a moment or two to gaze at the night sky as it shimmered with brilliant lights of the aurora, She couldn't help but feel at home under the night sky, her only qualm was the few wolves along the road and a couple of skeevers, they oddly resembled the rats that inhabited the wilds and sewers , only slightly bigger. Easy enough to handle, her agility proved useful in the situation. It was nearing dawn, and she felt she was getting close. She could see a small town at the foot of the mountain pass.


    "Nearly there."


    She decided to sit on a fallen tree for a moment, shuffling through her satchel. She hadn't eaten since leaving Bruma, pulling a half loaf of bread, sliced goat milk cheese and a sliver of meat wrapped in paper from the satchel. " Better than nothing."


    She began to prepare the food, making a sandwich from the contents. She didn't want to linger in one place too long, and certainly didn't want any problems before getting any answers, especially with just arriving in Skyrim. Her attention turned when she heard a familiar roar coming from some distance behind where she sat, dropping her food as the grumbling grew closer. "Don't tell me." She uttered in slight aggrovation. She could hear it, one of those three eyed beasts.


    They weren't uncommon around Bruma, the guards had faught a few off before that got too close to the gates. She herself knew she stood no chance against it. " Damn, a troll. " She uttered. " Just my luck." The grumble and foot steps were getting closer, it was headed right for her. Getting to her feet, and turning around she saw the white haired behemoth, it suddenly stopped mid stride, roared and through it's clawed fists into the ground. " Wonderful, of all the trolls it has to be a damned frost frost troll. " Turning around to make a run for it, to put distance between her and the troll, but the beast was not letting off and it was closing in fast. She had never seen a troll move that fast, is that really what the guards faught? Her breathing was becoming heavy as she ran, her energy wearing down fast. "If anyone is listening, Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, anyone please help me." Closing her eyes, though not expecting any response, wishing she could lose the beast on her trail, and tripping over a large branch laying over the road, and bracing herself just before hitting the ground.


    A flash or light crossed her line of sight and just as quickly disappeared. The young Breton stood to her feet, the troll had stopped chasing her and was now scanning the area. Her hands felt scraped from the tumble, but when she went to look at the damage, nothing. She couldn't see her own hands. " Invisible?, Who knows how long this'll last." Picking up a rock and tossing it in the opposite direction of where she intended to go and directing the troll's attention away as well. As the troll went toward the location of the rock's impact, she herself turned to continue toward the town she had seen from the pass, she could hear cattle not far off as the trolls rumbling grew quieter. She thought to herself as she made her escape. "Guess someone was listening."


    It took maybe five or six minutes to reach the gate of the town, it was loaded with people for such a small village. Especially this early in the morning. Lexia decided to find out where she was and what was going on. There were legionairs present. She was approached by one of the locals before she could even find the inn or any place of source for information.


    "Welcome to Helgen miss." Came a female's voice from behind her.


    Turning around to face the source, Lexia replied "Thanks." Seeing a middle aged woman standing before her.


    "Here for the execution?" The woman asked.


    "Execution?" Asked Lexia.


    "You mean to tell me you didn't know about it?, There's an execution, the empire finally caught Ulfric and a few of his men. War's finally going to be over. Oh pardon my manners, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Viilad, the inn keeper here, you should stop by and try my juniper berry mead."


    "I would, but I'm afraid I really don't have a lot of time. I'm not really one for watching people get their heads chopped off. " Lexia replied. A pleasure meeting you though, most call me Lexia back in Cyrodil. I'll make a point though to stop by another time."


    Viilad quorked a brow, looking the young Breton over. " You're from Cyrodil?"


    "Yes, but I'm in Skyrim for, lets just say personal business." Catching herself before revealing too much. " I actually need to just find the Hall of the Vigilant here in Skyrim. "


    Viilad gave a light mockung laugh. " Looking to join the vigil, huh?, Well I don't know of anyone here in Helgen who would know how to get there, but if you follow the road out the southern gate just a few miles down, someone in Riverwood might be able to help you." And with that Lexia gave a swift thanks and made way for the southern gate and down the road. Unaware what was soon to come, with only a loud, booming roar in the far off distance to give any clue.


3 Comments   |   The Long-Chapper likes this.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  December 6, 2016
    Hey, do you need some help with formatting? I see one giant paragraph and I know you typically format pretty well. 
    • Alexianna Rubi Bloodheart
      Alexianna Rubi Bloodheart
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      Hey, do you need some help with formatting? I see one giant paragraph and I know you typically format pretty well. 
        ·  December 8, 2016
      Yes actually, I do my stuff on a phone, and still getting used to this thing. 
      • The Long-Chapper
        The Long-Chapper
        Alexianna Rubi Bloodheart
        Alexianna Rubi Bloodheart
        Alexianna Rubi Bloodheart
        Yes actually, I do my stuff on a phone, and still getting used to this thing. 
          ·  December 8, 2016
        For next time add an extra space after each paragraph. I'll fix this one for you.