Skyrim RP series...Prologue (part 4) Danifae


    The forest was deep and dark and Caerwyn hoped that was to her advantage.
    She tried to move as quietly as she could through the undergrowth, using all the woodlore she had learnt from her life in the Valenwood and what her parents had taught her, but the clumsy pony boots and her restraints didn't make it any easier.
    She hadn't yet found a way to remove the shackles or the padlocks on her rubber gloves so her hands were still bound behind her back. The corset was restricting her breathing and the piercings still sent their shocks through her, though thankfully not all three at once for now. She was breathing hard through her nose, as the panel gag only allowed a small amount of air to pass into her mouth.
    She was crouching in the bushes, trying hard to blend in with her surroundings. Her pursuers didn't seem to be far behind and she thought there were maybe three or four of them. They'd had to dismount from their horses, as the trees were too thick and she could hear them searching through the forest
    How had they found her? She had thought that maybe she had taken too long escaping from the prison and they had caught up to her. Perhaps there was a bounty out on her and someone had told them where she was? Her description was certainly very distinctive.
    She had thought she had avoided being spotted when she saw the Thalmor riding along the road and she had went into the bushes but it seems they had seen her and followed. If Ancano was with them he would have recognised her straight away. Her hunger and thirst were getting worse and she knew she was in trouble and could be recaptured at any moment.
    She got her breath back and heard the searchers getting closer. She knew she couldn't wait here any longer so tried to move as quietly as she could from bush to bush. She had no choice but to try and avoid the Thalmor but the boots were leaving footprints in the soft soil. There would be no mistaking them!
    Breathing hard through her nose she had to try and make a run for it as best she could. She saw a rocky outcropping to her left so she tried making for it, as she hoped no footprints would be left there. But the problem was that the boots made a noise on hard ground, but she had no choice.
    She made it to the rocks and ran over them. She heard shouts from behind her but she knew she had to keep going. She ran round a large rock and across some muddy soil. It was then that all three of her piercings started vibrating and she fell to the ground, writhing as the shocks and jolts went through her. She grunted through the gag as she tried crawling on her knees through the bushes, hoping that the piercings would stop soon.
    It was then that she bumped up against a pair of black boots. Looking up, it was the face of her nemesis, Ancano, smiling down at her.

    'I have you now. You led us a merry chase, but it's over now' he smirked

    He reached down for her. Caerwyn tried screaming through the gag and tried crawling away but Ancano continued to reach down for her, reaching for her collar ring, his face looming large over her...














    Drenched in sweat, Caerwyn woke up with a shout and sat up. It took her a moment to realise that she wasn't in a forest, but was in a warm comfortable bed in some sort of room, with stained glass windows. It was then she also realised something strange about her. Had she actually shouted?
    She then realised that her hands were free and she was sitting up in bed leaning on them. She felt round her body and her face and realised she was finally free of all her restraints, even the piercings. She opened and closed her mouth, working the jaw muscles which had been forced into the same position for so long. She sat on the edge of the bed and did the same with her arms then slowly stood up and worked her leg muscles. Her feet were bare and it felt so good to finally be able to walk normally. She felt dizzy and soon had to sit down again. She was wearing a robe and her scars and cuts seemed to be healing.
    It took a bit of time for the dizziness to pass but she finally felt well enough to get up again and walk over to the basin of water in the corner. She had a look in the shiny surface and saw her face was still burnt, her head was bald and her right eye was still blind but the pain was gone! She plunged her head into the basin and it felt good!
    She walked over to the door and slowly opened it. She was in some sort of temple with some priests walking about, tending other wounded people. One of the acolytes saw her in the doorway and walked over to a woman who was praying at a shrine. After a brief conversation the woman got up and walked over to where Caerwyn was standing.

    'Good to see you up and about, my child. I'm Danica, the head priest of the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. You should be in bed'

    'What happened?' asked Caerwyn, her voice hoarse with disuse.

    'I could ask you the same thing. Farkas brought you in here two days ago'

    'Farkas? Two days ago? What date is it?'

    Danica told her. After a brief calculation Caerwyn realised she had been a prisoner for nearly 3 months!

    She felt rather dizzy again and sat down on the bed.

    'I don't remember anything after my collapse. I was a 'slave' for 3 months but escaped'

    'Well, from what Farkas told me, you had collapsed on the road. He's a member of the Companions here in Whiterun and they had been out dealing with a giant which was attacking one of the farms. They were on their way back when they saw you lying there. Farkas is strong but not very intelligent. His brother Vilkas is the one with the brains. Aela told Farkas to carry you here. I could see you were dehydrated so getting the gag off was the first priority. Aela went and got Adrienne, the blacksmith, to remove your restraints. Luckily with a combination of her tools, lockpicks and the spare keys she makes for the guards we eventually got your restraints off you'

    'You all have my thanks'

    'Hush child. Thanks will come later. I managed to give you a healing potion whilst you were 'asleep' but you'll need food. And you still need to rest to regain your strength. It seems you've been through quite an ordeal to get here'

    Caerwyn realised that she was indeed very hungry, so Danica gave her venison stew, which satisfied her hunger somewhat. In fact she had two bowls. It was the best meal she'd had in...well...weeks.

    Danica also examined her cuts. 'These cuts and scars are healing quickly. I've never seen anyone healing as quickly as this. It's incredible'

    'My face is the same though'

    'I'm sorry about that. Healing spells can only do so much. They can't restore burnt flesh which has been left too long or lost limbs, like your eye'

    Caerwyn nodded her head in understanding. The cuts on her body didn't hurt anymore and they didn't look as inflamed. In fact, it seemed as though they were closing quickly. But she realised she was going to have to cover her face until she could do something about it, in fear of being recognised. The dream had taught her that. And she still had the slave tattoos on her hands and forehead.

    Danica asked Caerwyn what her name was. She took a few moments to think and Caerwyn, not wanting to reveal her true identity said

    'Danifae. My name is Danifae'



11 Comments   |   Caladran and 5 others like this.
  • SpookyBorn2021
    SpookyBorn2021   ·  June 6, 2019
    That was quite possibly one of the most effective dream sequences I've read. I really wasn't sure until you told me that it was a dream sequence and that she wasn't just getting recaptured. Really interesting ending to the prologue though Haggis, definite...  more
    • HaggisHunter
      That was quite possibly one of the most effective dream sequences I've read. I really wasn't sure until you told me that it was a dream sequence and that she wasn't just getting recaptured. Really interesting ending to the prologue though Haggis, definite...  more
        ·  June 6, 2019
      Phew! Glad you got through the prologue ok. Now the adventure begins! :D
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  July 16, 2018
    For a moment I really believed Ancano is going to snatch her and the cycle of pain will begin anew. Good thing the Companions stumbled on her. And she heals quickly, interesting. Now let her loose into Skyrim, hehehe!
    • HaggisHunter
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      For a moment I really believed Ancano is going to snatch her and the cycle of pain will begin anew. Good thing the Companions stumbled on her. And she heals quickly, interesting. Now let her loose into Skyrim, hehehe!
        ·  July 16, 2018
      Now the fun begins... ;)
  • Simpa
    Simpa   ·  September 21, 2017
    Good stuff!  Things that stood out in this part: 
    The description of just how good and relieved she feels waking up after three months in that weird and horrific "walking prison" in lack of a better way to describe it. Love it!  more
    • HaggisHunter
      Good stuff!  Things that stood out in this part: 
      The description of just how good and relieved she feels waking up after three months in that weird and horrific "walking prison" in lack of a better way to describe it. Love it!  

      ...  more
        ·  September 21, 2017
      You could say Danifae is born from this point...;)
      Glad you enjoyed it...:D
  • GailOlm
    GailOlm   ·  March 8, 2017
    It's a relief that Danifae finally got some help and is in a safe location now with safe people.
    • HaggisHunter
      It's a relief that Danifae finally got some help and is in a safe location now with safe people.
        ·  March 8, 2017
      Now her story can really begin... :D
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  March 8, 2017
    You weren't the only one Caladran..
    She's in safe hands now...
    • HaggisHunter
      You weren't the only one Caladran..
      She's in safe hands now...
        ·  March 8, 2017
      I do like a good cliffhanger... (6)
  • Caladran
    Caladran   ·  March 7, 2017
    Holy skeever! I just feared the worse but thankfully she's safe now. :)