The Crazy One- Chapter 2: Descent Into Madness

  • Hydrid's Journal: Entry 1 

    4E 195

    I am Hyrdid Soothbringer. I am a seasoned alchemist and healer from Cyrodiil. I came to Skyrim 10 years ago when I received a message that my precious life is in danger. I have no idea who would want to threaten me. But I took this threat seriously and decided that I should leave Cyrodiil. I was able to sell my shop for 20, 000 septims, more than enough to start a new life here in Skyrim.

    Not long after I settled down in a hut south of Ivarstead. I met an imperial in Whiterun. I was there to visit Arcadia, an old friend. We learned alchemy together under the teachings of Tyertil, a hundred year old High Elf.

    The imperial that I met had long dreadlocked black hair which was fashioned in a bundle on his head like a big hat and a knotted beard.  He was tall for an imperial, he was about my height just an inch and a half smaller. His eyes was bluer than the clear skies, he was slim and he walks with grace unlike any man I have ever seen. This imperial may have a Nordic heritage.

    He complimented my auburn hair which was shoulder long, and was allured by my emerald green eyes. 

    Today, he is my apprentice. Leondeiu Vici, that is his name. He wanted to learn about alchemy, he said that he aspires to be the best alchemist Nirn has ever seen. Such a sweet lad but a bit of an eccentric if I may add. One time, I found him using a mortar and pestle while sitting on a branch of a very high tree. He said that he was testing the effect of the air while mixing some Blisterwort with Fly Amanita.


    I wonder where Leondeiu went? It's been a day since he left. He never take this long to find some ingredients. I hope nothing unfortunate happened to him. Should I look for him? 

    I decided to ask some guards from Ivarstead to help me look for Leondeiu. None of them had the decency to help a woman in need. This is just pathetic!

    I walked back to my hut just a few minutes south from Ivarstead. I walk through the woods with the sun still shining bright, the leaves from the trees are starting to fall down as Hearthfire comes near, and the sound of birds singing their melodies. I relished this moment of tranquility until I felt a disruption in the air. The bird's songs came to their conclusion and the sun hid behind a titanic cloud. I knew that I am not alone. 

    "Who are you? Why are you following me?" I asked as I was looking around for the stalker.

    A Khajiit in a pitch black armor appeared in front of me. He did not walk from behind a tree or jumped down from one, he just appeared there like he was invisible all this time. His eyes were fiery red and his fur was white as snow. A very beautiful creature but what he said next left me dumbstruck:

    "Your part in the web of the Spinner is done. It is time for you to fall deep into an eternal slumber." 

    "What are you talking about? What part?"

    He then vanished into thin air. I heard a whisper in my left ear that said "good night." I knew then what was to come. I shut my eyes closed and prayed to the Nine Divines. I fell into my knees, head bowed down, and my hands clasped in prayer. I do not want my life to end here. I cannot die yet. Leondeiu does not know yet. He does not know how I have grown to lo---.

    The woods grew silent. The body of Hydrid lies in the ground, face down on the earth. Blood oozing and cascading from her neck into the fertile grounds. She was retching but fighting. Her emerald eyes filled not with sorrow nor anger but of dedication.

    The Khajiit assassin has left her for dead. Hydrid continues to stay strong and strive to crawl towards her hut. She reach her hand out to the direction of her home with eyes filled with tears and now, sorrow. She has lost too much blood and her vision was starting to elude her.

    The emerald eyes are now closed, the outreach arm has taken rest into the grass, and her soul rests in Sovngarde.


    I'm now in a carriage headed to Ivarstead. The carriage driver's name was Bjorlam, a blonde Nord. I met him on his way back to Whiterun from Riverwood. He was generous enough to take me to Ivarstead for a fee of 90 septims as it was not a major hold and the road is treacherous. Trolls and bears are common near Ivarstead plus the threats of dragons, which is why carriages only take people who offers a decent amount of septims. Of course, I told Bjorlam I'd pay him once we get to Ivarstead. I still have no money and the only thing I have with me is this Black Book.

    Along the way, Bjorlam told me that a Nord in Iron Armor along with the Whiterun guards took out a dragon near the western tower. When they came back from the fight, the guards spoke of the Dragonborn. They were talking about the Nord in Iron Armor absorbing some kind of power after they killed the dragon. He was said to be the Dragonborn.

    We took the road along White River and took a dirt path somewhere west of Darkwater River. Unfortunately, a group of bandits blocked our way. Their ringleader was a Khajiit with snow white fur and blazing red eyes. There were 2 Orcs with a light complexion, an Argonian with crimson scales and a horn on top of her forehead, and a red haired Dunmer.

    "Alright Imperial, get down from that carriage. We only want the Nord." said the Khajiit.

    "What? What did I ever do to you?" asked Bjorlam with fear in his voice.

    "Shut up, you! We do the talking hear." replied the Argonian.

    I don't know what to do. Should I protect Bjorlam or just make a run for it? I put this guy here in this situation and I can't live knowing I got an innocent man killed. I guess I have to do something.

    As I was thinking of a plan, I saw someone in Iron Armor walking from our rear towards the carriage oblivious to the situation we are in. So I stood up on the carriage and slowly got down. I raised my arms in a manner that implies surrendering which should alarm the wandered in Iron Armor.

    "Get out of here! We are not interested in you." said the Argonian.

    "Why? Am I not good enough for ya?" I said to buy some time.

    "Shut up. Go, now." One of the Orc said.


    All of us tripped as if a very strong wind came hammering down our way. The guy in Iron Armor sprint towards the bandits with a Steel Sword on his right arm and a Banded Iron Shield on the other.

    He effortlessly took down the Dunmer with a single stab to the heart. The 2 Orcs fought him simultaneously while the Khajiit and Argonian fled the scene. He let out another shout, like that of Ulfric but weaker. He stabbed one of the Orc in the stomach and cut off the head of the other with a single sweep of his blade. He showed those bandits not a single bit of mercy.

    "Are you lads alright?" said the hero.

    "Yes, yes. You are... the Dragonborn, aren't you?" asked Bjorlam.

    "Yes I am. I'm on my way to meet the Greybeards."

    "We can give you a free ride, if you'd like. We are headed to Ivarstead, I do believe that's where you are headed first?" Bjorlam offered.

    "Sure, sure. I'll take the offer."

    Asmund is the name of the Dragonborn. He said that he was in Helgen too when the Dragon attacked. He was like me, got caught up between the quarrel of the Imperial and Stormcloak. Come to think of it, I kind of remember his face, a dark complexion, spiky medium length brown hair, and brown eyes. I think he was in the first carriage along with the Stormcloaks.

    Asmund was a bit cocky and I think he is a merciless killer too. Not in the bad way though, but while I was talking to him I can feel that he was not a kind hearted person. He even told us he killed a mercenary when the guy didn't told him where the "trouble" is. This guy, I don't know why he gets to be Dragonborn with that attitude. I bet Hydrid would be a better candidate.

    After a few minutes in the road, we finally arrive in Ivarstead. I missed this atmosphere. I was able to pay Bjorlam 90 septims from what I scavenge from the dead bandits while he was busy adoring Asmund.

    We send our farewell to one another. Asmund went to the inn first to eat some grub and drink some mead. Bjorlam rode back to Whiterun.

    I continue to head south of Ivarstead to get to Hydrid's hut. The forest was quiet and the wind is calm, very calm. On the distance I saw a figure lying in the ground, arms reaching out towards Hydrid's hut. I wonder who could that poor fellow be. I rushed to the scene and to my surprise...


    Gathering the strength I have left, I gently carried the body into the hut. I walked the silent forest, tears dripping down my cheeks, and Hydrid's body...Her body cold as the winter breeze in my arms...

    I entered the hut and placed her on her bed. I took the Black Book out of my lower back where a garter kept it in place. I placed it in Hydrid's hands. I wish to bury her with the book she dreamt of having. I went out the hut to prepare her grave but I can't... I fell to my knees and started to weep. My body has been weakened and I slowly lied down in the grass. I gaze upon the sky with nothing in my mind but her beautiful face.

    Then tears began to fall from the heavens. I did not move. It is not the fact that I did not want to but I can't. My body was heavy and no matter how I try, I cannot lift my fingers nor twitch them. I was frozen with the rain tormenting me. I closed my eyes and slowly descended to the peaceful void.

    When I awoke, it was night and the rain and tears has departed. I am able to stand up and walk back into the hut. I stared at the body of Hydrid as it peacefully lie there in the bed with the Book on her arms.

    I approach her and took the Book. I wonder what is inside? What did she want from this book? I lied on the bed, beside her cold body and began to read the book. Time seems to have stopped while I read and I gradually lost myself between the pages of the Black Book.....


    HAHAHA! This is what SHE wanted? THIS is WHAT I sought after? Is it worth the PRICE? IS IT? HAHAHA!

    Wait!Wait! Wait!. I have to find who killed her. Yes, yes. I have to. I have to. I have to... Asmund! The Dovahkiin! Yes, yes. Asmund will help me. Yes he will...

    The book? Where is the Black Book? Huh?Huh? Where is it? No, no. Asmund. I have to get to Asmund. In the 7000 steps, yes. There Asmund will be. He will...