The Last Holy-Scale: Book One: Part Three- Where Family Lies

  • The Last Holy-Scale: Book One:Part Three

    Where Family Lies

         In our last story, we left off with Rekuuk walking up a pyramid of steps. He is soon to engage in combat with his ancestor, Gavarik the Giant...known for starting the Bulwark-Style of combat Rekuuk and his family have used for centuries. Now with the background information out of the way...let us begin..

       Rekuuk: *a little exhausted from walking up the steps* By the Hist...*pant*...why would they put the summit of a pyramid?

       Gavarik: (looking down at Rekuuk) Will the stairs best you rather than me?

       Rekuuk: *shocked* Did you just speak?!

       Gavarik: Of course I did, and you will die by my hands.

       Rekuuk: (reaches the summit, hands on knees tired) Sure...just...*pant*...hang on a second.

       Gavarik: You're stalling...

       Rekuuk: No...I'm not...gods...I'm just not a stairs're the original Bulwark.

       Gavarik: I am...and who are you to combat me boy? (head shakes violently, as if possessed. Then his voice changes to one with more life in itWhat is this? Who is- (after that, his head shakes again, and his voice goes back to sounding dead.) SHUT UP!! (looks at Rekuuk) You have no place here.

       Rekuuk: What in the name? (the jittering corpse walks towards him) REZMOR!! IT'S A POSSESSED CORPSE!!!

       Gavarik: *defensively* What!? I am no such thing!

       Rekuuk: Now I can hear have that necromancer's voice lingering in that tongue.

       Meanwhile, I was down at the pyramid's base cleansing the bodies that have not arisen yet. Then I hear Rekuuk scream what that corpse was...

       Rezmor: (hands on a deceased body) Huh? A possessed corpse! (looks up at the summit)

       Rekuuk: (to Rezmor) GET YOUR SCALY ASS UP HERE, QUICKLY!!

       Rezmor: (to Rekuuk) On my way! Hang on!

          The body of Gavarik readies two black bucklers, "You will share this tomb with me!" he says, then he charges at Rekuuk, without a second thought. Rekuuk knows how to handle a situation like this, and readies his shields. Gavarik thrusts one buckler at Rekuuk's chest, but he evades and slams Gavarik's side with a shield. He staggers, then uses his decomposing tail to sweep at Rekuuk's legs...the tail stops on contact with Rekuuk's ankle and does nothing.

          "Did you honestly think that pitiful thing would sweep me?" said Rekuuk, then he took his tail, which is armored, and drops that thing straight on Gavarik's skull. "GAAH!" he screams as his head makes contact with the floor, then Gavarik kicks his legs up, spins, then does a flip to land back on his feet. Rekuuk's jaw drops, "Ok now that's a dead giveaway that you are that necromancer's soul in that body." 

          Gavarik is now annoyed with the Bulwark Holy-Scale and says, "My real name is Festin, and you may have deciphered that I possessed this corpse, but it will not change the fact that I can kill you." Rekuuk reaches behind his back and puts two more shields in his hands, one over his wrists, one under. He gets into a stance and calls out to Festin, "If you know what's good for will leave my ancestor's body right now."

          "DO YOU THINK I WILL JUST UP AND LEAVE A BODY WITH THIS MUCH POWER!?" Festin said, "YOU MUST BE MAD!" Then Festin launches armblades from under Gavarik's wrists and runs at Rekuuk, blades forward. Rekuuk blocks both and holds his ground to where a stalemate occurs, then Festin takes Gavarik's tail, now with a blade, and stabs Rekuuk in the shoulder, spewing blood. "AARGH!" goes Rekuuk, then he bashes out, knocking Festin back a few yards.

          "That hurt you bastard," said Rekuuk rubbing his shoulder, "now it's my turn." He runs forward, and no more than 7 feet away from him, he throws a shield from his right arm at Festin's head. Festin ducks, and the shield wooshes overhead, his attention was off of Rekuuk for a split second, and that was all Rekuuk needed. He took his left shields and uppercut Festin in the air, then grabbed Gavarik's tail and threw him across the other end of the summit. He hits the ground and bounces like a rock on water, then skids the rest of the way.

         Festin stands up and says, "I'm lucky I can't feel that...hahaha." He then runs at Rekuuk again, this time, with shields in front. Rekuuk grabs his thrown shield and gets in a stance low to the ground. Festin reaches Rekuuk and downbashes, aimed at Rekuuk's head. Rekuuk slides forward, hoping to sweep his ancestor's body again, but, with Festin's athleticism in the corpse, it jumps right over his head and slams the back of it and he faceplants to the floor. Festin readies the blades and thrusts them at his enemey's kidneys, Rekuuk rolls to evade the attack, and uses his tail to sweep Festin.

         Festin falls to the ground and Rekuuk, still on the ground, smacks the broadside of his shield on Gavarik's face. Rekuuk, gets back to his feet, only to feel Gavarik's bladed tail slice at his's a good thing he had on armor, else that would've cleaved him in two. Rekuuk's armor blocks the attack entirely, but it leaves a scratch on the backplate. Rekuuk then takes his right shields and forces them down vertically at Festin's face. So Festin took a buckler and blocked that attack and tossed Rekuuk's arm aside, then took the other buckler and bashes it to the side of his head, knocking him back and dazing him.

        Festin gets ready to go on another assault, so he charges Rekuuk's right flank and strikes at his leg (the one that took an Ice Spike). Rekuuk is swept from his feet, "OW!" he yells as he falls to the floor. "DID THAT HURT?!" says Festin, then he gets thrown back by a flash of was me, casting a Vampire's Bane spell at him. I then thrust my hand towards him, releasing a wave of force at Festin, it stumbles him when it hits, but it also sends a black mass out of his body. When it forms, it looks like a dark ghost and it tries to re-enter Gavarik's body, but I destroyed it with Sun Fire. 

         "MY SOUL!!! YOU WILL PAY LIZARD!!" he bellows, so then I get Rekuuk on his feet and we take arms. Festin raises Gavarik's arm and a dark-purple energy covers his hand. "Magic?!" goes Rekuuk, "Our family can't adept to magic, how is he using it?" "It's because of Festin...that's who we're fighting, not Gavarik." I said. "Grr...I won't let him," Rekuuk says raising his shields, "get behind me Rezmor." Then I shelter behind Rekuuk, and Festin fires whatever that spell is, and it's a massive wave of energy. "This won't be enough!' Rekuuk says, "We need a Ward spell." So I put up a Greater Ward spell with both hands supercharging the spell. The wave hits, rumbling the ground, and pushing us back. "STEADY HOLD REZMOR!!!" says Rekuuk, "TRYING!" I say back. eventually, the wave stops and we stand unscathed.

        "YOU THINK THAT SCARES ME...BLOCKING A SPELL!!" yells Festin. "No," Rekuuk started, "but it's a start." Festin gives off a HMPH and flies at Rekuuk, which he then blocks Festin's coming and slams his tail on Gavarik's knee, breaking it. "I WILL JUST SNAP IT BACK INTO PLACE!" the Festin, like he said, snapped it back into place. It was one of the most godawful noises you'd hear, 'ccRICKLEsshlisick!!' Just nasty going back to that memory. Festin runs at me, bucklers high and elbow drops at me, "If you think that will work, you're just plain stupid." I say.

        I dodge the pointless attack, but a gush of wind hurls him back at me and his elbow drives into my gut. "POINTLESS IS IT?!" he says, I spit from the impact and get thrown backwards from the force. Rekuuk takes quick action and bashes the side of Gavarik's head, knocking him to the floor...he even bounces a little. "It's two against one're outmatched." Gavarik gets back up slowly, and turns his head 360 at Rekuuk, "AM I?!...YOU'll SEE THAT I CAN DO MORE THAN THIS!!!" Festin then waves his arms down at the floor, or more at the base of the pyramid, and trap doors open.

        "What are those?" I asked, then, as soon as I asked, undead begin to crawl out from these holes and begin to ascend the stairway. "MY NECROMANCER ABILITIES ARE STRONGER THAN EVER IN THIS BODY!!!" Festin says, then Rekuuk turns to me and says, "Hold off the undead, make sure they don't reach the summit," "You don't have to tell me at all my friend." I reply. Festin charges at Rekuuk, only to be blocked by him, while I traverse around the stairs, purging Shagswamp Tomb of its undead. Now Gavarik and Rekuuk stand at each other's throats, ready to kill one another. There's a small pause......then Festin quickly leaps out at Rekuuk with his blade, but Rekuuk shoves the attack aside with his shield. Rekuuk takes his free hand and thrusts it forward at Gavariks face, but that is blocked by a buckler. Festin takes Gavarik's tail and slashes it at Rekuuk's head, but he moves left and it hits his shoulder plate, doing nothing but shaking him a little.

        "You fight well for a necromancer pup," said Rekuuk, grabbing Gavarik's tail. Festin takes Rekuuk by the left arm and throws it behind him, releasing Rekuuk's hands from the grip on his tail. "BECAUSE I RETAIN EVERY MEMORY THAT BELONGS TO THIS CORPSE! EVREY FIGHTING STYLE! EVERY SPECIAL MOVE! EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS MINE NOW! I AM YOUR ANCESTOR!" Festin marks. Rekuuk now is furious at what his enemy has just said, and swirls into rage. "NOW I REALLY WANT TO KILL YOU! YOU ARE NOT MY ANCESTOR, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO CALL YOURSELF SO!" Then Rekuuk assaults Festin, making blows with his shields that are faster than he had ever done so before. Slams to Gavarik's head, then his gut, then his arm, then his neck, (pretty much every blow he's dealing I, in tandem, am blasting an explosion of sunlight from different portions of the stairs, so it looks pretty damn cool) then his chest, then his knees, then Rekuuk spins back and gives off a massive slam to his torso, knocking Gavarik to the ground...this time, he stays down for a while.

        By this time, all of the undead coming up the stairway have been taken care of...quite easily too. "Are they all dead again?" asks Rekuuk, "Take a guess." I replied. "Then this one is the last undead we have to deal with." Rekuuk returns. We stood over the body of Gavarik, looking for signs of un-life. It seemed like he was out for good, so we walked away...but we were fools to do such a thing. Festin begins to rise again, "FOOLS...I WAS GATHERING ENERGY WHILE FEIGNING UNCONSCIOUSNESS!" he says, then he begins to float as some very dark, very evil magic surrounds Gavarik's body.

       "This ain't good Rezmor," says Rekuuk worriedly, "I can see that...this magic is so...evil...and intense, not even my Divine Ward can block this." I say back. "YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL!! NOW DIIIIIEEEE!!!" screams Festin before he cannon fires a massive ray of rushing black-purple magic right at us, it pushes hard wind as well, almost knocking even Rekuuk off his stance. I put up Divine Ward anyways, for at least some defense. "SOUL CAIRN PUNISHMENT: OBLITERATION!!!!" shouts Festin. When the wave almost hits us a shadowy figure jumps right next to me casting a Ward as well, then the destructive spell explodes and leaves a gigantic cloud of magic dust as a result. 

         It takes some time for the dust to settle...we were all coughing from the dust, soon as the dust settled...


    To Be Continued...


1 Comment
  • ChandlerBeach
    ChandlerBeach   ·  February 22, 2016
    It's a little short I know, but this was all I could think of at the moment...still, I hope its good.