C.o.t.D: Chapter 9 - Seeking Answers

  • Chapter 9: Seeking Answers

    The city watch patrolled the area like eagles. The amount of guards seem to double from yesterday. He thought it would be easy to sneak back into the Shrine of Talos at night but he was wrong as every path, every corner and every alleyway in the city has guards roaming about. Markarth was in full lockdown.

    Either someone escaped Cidhna Mine or Thonar doesn’t someone to wander out at night. thought Axius. He was hiding behind a stack of crates in the marketplace, waiting for the green cloaks to pass through before he could move.

    One thing he learned about Markarth that isn’t connected with the damn phrase is that the city is vertical. Streets were narrow and the houses are often built on top of each other. This means that most of the guards patrol at ground level and only a few stayed on top.

    Axius made a dash for the building in front of him after the guards were gone. He jumped and grabbed hold of the uneven surface of the walls, sinking his fingers into any cranny or nook. With armor, he was well protected. Without it, he was agile. Axius slowly scaled the wall, only stopping when the guards pass through below him. To avoid detection, he wore dark clothing which seem to blend in with the shadows.

    Before he could reach for the ledge of the second floor, a guard came. He quickly retracted his gloved hand back into the shadows, waiting for the guard to turn his back. He was exposed like a rabbit in open ground. There were no rocks to shield him from the moonlight that gaze downwards upon him and he was almost losing his grip. One glance from below was enough for him to spend the rest of his day in Cidhna Mine.

    After what felt like an hour in Oblivion, the guard finally moved away from the ledge and Axius was finally able to climb again.

    When he entered, Eltrys was standing behind the corner, peaking at whoever was at the door. He was shocked at the sight of the Imperial, unscathed and black like the room they were in.

    “You’re alive!” He exclaimed, only to shut his mouth again after realising how loud he just shouted. “When I saw the amount of guards, I thought they were searching for me.”

    “I’m fine.” Axius assured the Breton. “I found a lead from Magret. It seems she’s not what she claims to be.”

    “Alright then. What did she tell you?” He asked anxiously. If Eltrys was a kid, he would be jumping up and down gleefully.

    “She’s an Imperial agent sent to acquire the deed to Cidhna Mine. Her persistence made her a target for Thonar Silver-Blood.” Axius replied.

    “That makes sense. Thonar is involved in every facet of the city. Have you look at the Warrens yet?”

    “Not yet. I’ll start tomorrow, when the guards settle down. ” I just hope it wouldn’t draw any further attention.

    With that, their brief conversation ended and Axius melted back into the shadows and left the room, hoping to get back to the inn without anyone noticing him missing.

    He descended down, similar to what he did when he scaled up. This time, at a quicker pace. Before his feet could touch the ground, a scream was heard, coming from the Riverside which caused Axius to fall down on his back. Argh… why is it always the back. The door of the inn burst open as patrons came out, confused, alarmed and worried.

    Half a dozen guards rush to the Riverside district along with a few concerned citizens. A crowd gathered around a woman. “She… she was just..there...floating at the river. De..dead.” she said, panicking. A guard tried to calm her down while onlookers were horrified when they saw the dead woman and the blood flowing in the river.

    Axius squeezed through the crowd, trying to get a better look at the body. He caught a glimpse of her blue, blood-stained dress and light brown hair as a guard pulled her towards the riverbank.

    No… he muttered when the body floated towards the light. Everyone gasped and jumped when she was rolled over, revealing her face.

    “It’s Margret!” One of the citizen called out. “She’s the one that nearly got killed a few days ago.” Another one exclaimed. “Divines save us! The Forsworn are really here.” The whole area erupted in commotion as people started to panic. The guards soon controlled the scene by banging their painted shields with hilts of their weapons until everyone quieted down.

    “Enough!!” a guard boomed. “There are no Forsworn inside Markarth. Just another madman attack. Now all of you, get back inside your houses and lock your doors.”

    The guards started dragging Margret’s body up across the slope after the crowd dispersed. Axius stood afar, watching her lifeless corpse being carried away, somehow feeling guilty. I should’ve escorted her from Markarth, now she lies dead and it’s all my fault. He clutched both of his hands in frustration, trying to hold off his anger before releasing it as he breathe. I need to find answers. The people of Markarth deserves answers.


    19th First Seed, 4E 201

    The next morning, the Riverside was back to its usual activity. Workers smelting silver, Ghorza mending steel and the guards stand menacingly, arms crossed in front of the entrance to Cidhna Mine.

    Despite last night’s event, nothing seem to change. The smell of burning coal was still thick in the air and the blood in the river has washed away… but memories do not. The Warrens was on the other side of the river. One has to cross the small bridge and walk down a few dilapidated stairs to get inside. The entrance itself isn’t a sight for sore eyes. Just a single door among a pile of rubble.

    Inside, there was emptiness and only two fire pits lit the corridor. There was an aura of suffering that surged through Axius. He didn’t know how long they’ve suffered or even how many. How could the Jarl let this be? He asked himself before someone interrupted him.

    “The Warrens isn’t a place for your type. What do you want here?” The man announced rudely. The man was poorly dressed. Ragged clothes and boots, coarse, brown hair and smell like an Orc that hadn’t bathe for weeks.

    “Do you know a guy named Way..len…” Axius took a moment to correct the name. “Weylin, who used to live here?

    “Oh yes. I know everyone who sleeps in the Warrens.” He said coldly. “The name’s Garvey. I’m kind of the one who passes the keys around. I guess someone else will be taking his room, now.”

    “Could I take a look in his room for a moment?” Axius asked.

    “How about… no!” He objected. “What makes you think I would just hand you over the key? There’s nothing here worth looking at. So just enjoy the view and get out.”

    “How about now?” He pulled out a bag of gold and handed it over to Garvey. His eyes sparkled when he saw the shiny septims.

    “Welcome to the Warrens.” He greeted, smiling before giving Axius the key to Weylin’s room.

    Walking across the corridor, Axius saw a woman sitting by the second fire pit in her dirt-covered ragged robes. She looked sick and was in pain from the way she was holding her stomach.

    “You don't want to be here. No one wants to.” She groaned as she looked up at the Imperial.

    Her condition made him took pity on her. So, he gave him a potion. “For the pain.” he said. And a small bag of coin. “To ease your life.”

    “Divines bless you, stranger.” She thanked.

    No one deserves to suffer, even if they are slaves, prisoners or captured enemies. All Men, Mer and Beast have the right to be treated equally. His father often said those words during his time in the Great War. He wasn’t one to accept the unnecessary loss of life in war. He would always say “The Empire will need men after the war as well” to his soldiers.

    Weylin’s room was on the right at the far-end of the corridor. He inserted the key and turned the lock all the way down. The door unlocked and dust from the inside blew out making Axius cough. The room was totally dark with only a single candle providing little to no light.

    How am I going to find a clue in here when there’s absolutely nothing here to look for? Axius thought as he observed the area. Weylin’s room didn’t have nothing that stood out. It had a table with a pickaxe, a slice of bread and a rock warbler egg. The bedding was just two hay piles.

    Going further back, he found a chest tucked away in the corner. He brushed off the dust and opened the latch. Inside, there was a small pouch of gold, holding around 20 septims and a garnet, a steel dagger that looked brand new and sharpened. Axius took the pouch and was surprised to see a scrawled note underneath it. His eyebrows raised when he read the note.


    You've been chosen to strike fear in the heart of the Nords. Go to the market tomorrow. You will know what to do.

          - N

    Who in Dibella’s legs is N? He suddenly felt a shadow looming behind and turned around to see a Breton in leather armor standing in front of the door, knuckles cracking and grunting.

    "You've been digging around where you don't belong. It's time you learned a lesson." He told the Imperial before leaping forwards.

    They scuffled like wild dogs fighting for food, knocking down the food on the table and eventually the candle. Axius kicked him back to the door and retreated to the shadows, hoping to gain a better advantage.

    The Breton got up and lost sight of the Imperial. He stood in the light of the doorway, shifting his eyes left and right to catch a glimpse of where the outsider may be.

    “Come out and fight like a man!” He roared until he heard a faint cracking sound on his right. He turned and saw the rock warbler egg, cracked open, its yolk splattered on the dirt floor. He turned his head forward and a fist emerged from the shadow, hitting him right in the face. He toppled down in a loud thud. His face bruised and had a few teeth knocked out.

    Axius approached the downed man, his shadow now loomed over him. He kneeled down within earshot of the man and muttered something to him in a tone that was half hostile and half curious.

    “Who sent you? Was it Thonar Silver-Blood?” Axius asked.

    The Breton laughed as if it was a joke. “Go to Oblivion, outsider.” He replied with a smug.

    “I was hoping it didn’t have to come to this.” Axius sighed before drawing out his dagger and stabbed the man’s left calf, just missing the bone by an inch.

    His cries of pain echoed throughout the Warrens, catching the residents attention. They didn’t dare to intervene. One tried to but was stopped by Garvey who seemed to enjoy the show.

    “I’ll ask you one last time. Who. Sent. You!?” His hazel green eyes blazed in fury, demanding an answer. He slightly twisted the blade to break any defiance that was left in the man.

    “Nepos. I.. I was sent by Nepos the Nose.” The Breton said, now scared and trembling in fear. “The old man hands out the orders. He told me to make sure you didn't get in the way. That’s all I know, I swear!”

    “That’s all I needed to hear.” Axius pulled out the dagger from the man’s leg. He let out one final bloodcurdling scream before passing out. He then healed the leg with his healing spell, forgiving himself for almost going too far.

    Garvey approached him, clapping and whistling. “Poor Dryston, you would make the Warrens a better place if you’d just killed him.” He shooed the other residents back into their rooms with a single hand gesture, leaving only the two and the woman siting by the firepit, left outside.

    “Coming from a man who hates his own kind as much as he hates the Nords? I don’t think so.” Axius retorted. The cut on the man’s leg was fully healed, leaving only a clot. “What do you know about Nepos the Nose?” He asked Garvey.

    The Breton was surprised at the question. “Nepos the Nose? He’s the one in charge of the silver production of Cidhna Mine. He never leaves his house on top of the trading store. That’s why we have Mulush breaking our backs.”

    “Thank you. I’ll make sure you and the people of the Warrens will be treated properly after this.”

    “Pfft. Good luck with that when you got the Silver-Bloods controlling all of Riverside.”

    Oh.. don’t worry. The Silver-Bloods will get what they deserve. They can’t buy the law forever.


    The view from the front of Nepos’s house was marvelous. He could see the marketplace and Riverside from his left and Understone Keep and its waterfall from his right. “This Nepos guy sure has view to kill for.” He felt uneasy when he muttered the two last words. He was slowly becoming a part of the city the more he delved deeper into this investigation.

    I just hope there’s no more need of bloodshed once I finally uncover the truth.

    Someone was playing lovely lullaby in the main hall when he entered. Axius couldn’t recall the lyrics as its language was something he hadn’t studied about but he did know the name of the song. Faolan’s Fury. An old song… only known by the Reachmen. Interesting.

    A woman standing at the end of the hall saw him enter. She wore a servant’s clothes. White-brown dress with a napkin on her belt as well as a sword.

    “Excuse me, what’s your business here?” She asked in suspicion.

    “I’m here to see Nepos.” Axius replied.

    “We haven't been expecting you, and the old man needs his rest. Come back some other time.” She said before showing the Imperial the way out.

    “Wait, it’s okay, my dear. Send him in.” A frail old voice called out.

    “Hmph. Yes, Nepos.” She reluctantly obeyed the old man then turned her sight towards Axius. “You heard him. Go on in.” There was hostility in her tone as if the Imperial had offended her in some way.

    The main hall was lavishly furnished with carpets, candlelights and well-stocked with food barrels and sacks. The stone tables in the middle were laden with grilled leeks, bread, salmon steaks and roasted pheasant breasts along with three bottles of alto wine. It seem that they were about to have lunch. A servant was sweeping the floors while another was tuning his lute, ready to play another song.

    Nepos was sitting by the fire, reading a book. From his crinkly, pointed chin face and green upper-class clothes, he looked like a humble elderly noble. However, you can never judge a book by its cover.

    When Axius walked near him, the old man greeted him without even turning around to look at the unexpected visitor.

    “I'm sorry about my housekeeper. She's a little protective of me. Now, what is it you want?” He sounded like he knew why the Imperial came.

    “I know about Weylin and the attack on the marketplace a few days ago. And I know you sent Dryston to beat some sense at me.” Axius accused, showing no kindness in his tone to the feeble old man.

    “Ah, yes. You've proven to be a real bloodhound. Well, you've sniffed me out.” Nepos admitted, much to the surprise of the Imperial. “I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired.” He sounded remorseful at his actions but Axius couldn’t tell if it’s real or not.

    “Then why do you keep playing?” He asked.

    “Because my king told me to. Madanach.” Nepos replied in pride.


    “He is the King in Rags. A man who once held all the Reach within his grip.” He continued explaining. “He stokes the passions of the downtrodden in this city. Directs them to kill the enemies of the Forsworn in our name. All from inside Cidhna Mine. A Nord prison. The irony is quite thick.”

    The old Reachman was spilling more answers than Axius would of hope to gain. But he felt something amiss.

    “Why are you telling all of this to me?”

    Nepos let out a weak chuckle that sounded more like a cough and calmly replied. “My dear boy, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive?” The room quickly turned quiet as the servants eyed down on the two, their hands reaching out for their weapons. “You were seen coming in. The girl at the door is a Forsworn agent masquerading as a maid. You aren't the first one to have gotten this far. You won't be the last.”

    The three servants engaged Axius with blades and magic. Amidst the bolts of lightning being fired at him and the flurry of slashes he was dodging, he regretted not bringing his armor or mace before he entered. Nepos was just standing behind his servants, looking nervously at the fight.

    Axius managed to stab one of his attackers in his stomach with his dagger and dragged it upwards, leaving behind a huge gash across his chest and a stream of blood spewing like a fountain. He grabbed the man and used him as a shield, absorbing most of lightning bolts.

    The lute player, who ran out of magicka, charged at the Imperial with his steel sword. Axius pushed his shield towards him, knocking him down and stabbed him in between the eyes.

    The only surviving attacker was the woman but she was gone. Axius headed to the doorway where he last saw her. Suddenly, the woman appeared from behind and tried to thrust her sword through his back but Axius step sideways, missing it and slashed her throat in one swift motion. She gurgled in her own blood before dying.

    He found Nepos hiding in his room. His face showed no signs of fear despite knowing his fate.

    “Before I die. Know this.” He said as he reached for a vial hidden inside the many folds of his clothes and pulled out the stopper.

    “Madanach has Thonar’s guard down and will kill him along with the rest of the Nords in Markarth. If you think you can save this city then prove it.” He chugged down the contents of the vial and slowly collapsed to the floor, dead. Blood dripping down from his mouth and nose.

    Axius searched Nepos for any evidence about Thonar’s involvement and found his journal. Upon reading it, he was saddened. He left the bloodied house and rushed towards the Treasury House, praying that the Forsworn haven’t killed the last living suspect left.

    He burst open the door only to be greeted by the sound of death and an old woman yelling “For the Forsworn!” at the top of her lungs. She summoned a wolf familiar and it immediately set its eyes on Axius.

    It leaped forwards with its jaws wide open, waiting to sink its ethereal teeth into the Imperial’s flesh. Instead, it quickly met its end as Axius’s steel blade pushed through its jaw, dissipating it back to where it came from.

    A scream bellowed throughout the Treasury which caught his attention. The madwoman had killed the desk cleric and crept towards the frightened Thonar. “Madanach sends his regards!” She claimed, laughing hysterically and attempted to burn the Nord with her spells.

    The orange-red glow on her hands soon faded as her eyes turned white. She stumbled down in front of Thonar, a dagger embedded on the back of her head.

    “Thank you.” He said to his savior.

    “I only saved because your death should be in the hands of the people, not the Forsworn.” Axius pulled out his dagger from the old woman’s skull, wiping it with her clothes.

    Thonar feign confusion as he didn’t know what the Imperial was talking about. “That’s absurd! I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

    “Don’t try to fool me, Thonar Silver-Blood!” Axius declared. “I know you had Margret killed because she wanted the deed for the Empire. I know you hired that guard yesterday to scare me away. And most of all, I know you’ve been keeping the Forsworn’s leader inside your mines and using him to remove any competition.”

    Thonar’s charade soon melted away, revealing his angry, cold face. “You know my plan, so what!? You’re just an insect in this miserable city and I’m the boot that squashes it! I would deal with you but right now, I’m more angry at Madanach for killing my wife.”

    Thonar was clenching his jaw so tight, it looked like his teeth were about to break. “I should’ve let his head roll down the chopping block instead of keeping him locked up in Cidhna Mine.”

    “You deserve it, for everything you did.”

    “Only the gods know what I deserve!” He shouted at the Imperial.

    “I am a servant of the gods!” Axius shouted back. “And they’ve already told me what you deserve.” He slammed the door shut, leaving Thonar bitterly mourning his dead wife.


    “Eltrys!” He called out, happily as he opened the door. “I finally found the answer.”

    Eltrys emerged from behind the statue of Talos, seemingly glad to see the Imperial back. However, three figures also appeared behind him, wearing the green cloth armor of the guards.

    Eltrys said something he couldn’t hear but from the movement of his lips, he knew what he was saying. Run away. A guard sliced his throat and left him bleeding to death in front of the statue.

    “We warned you, but you just had to go and cause trouble.” The guard who sliced Eltrys throat said. “Now we have to pin all these recent murders on you. Silence witnesses. Work. Work. Work.”

    “Madanach is behind these killings, you pinheads!”

    “You think you're the only one who knows that?” He admitted his involvement. “We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you showed up. You'll have plenty of time to take it up with the King in Rags while you're serving a life sentence in Cidhna Mine.”

    Axius wasn’t going to rot in prison, he tried to reach his dagger but his conscious stopped him from doing something he would regret. No more bloodshed. Figure another way out.

    He retracted his hand from the hilt and raised both of his hands. “Fine, I’ll go to prison.” He reluctantly said.

    “Good man.” The guard ordered his boys to haul him to Cidhna Mine. If they weren’t wearing their helmets, Axius could see them smiling as he’s been escorted to prison. Onlookers look at him in shock and surprise. Some tried to protest over his arrest but they were ignored.

    “No one escapes Cidhna Mine.” The lead guard said. “No one.”

    Table of Contents

    Author's Note:

    Well this part and the next will probably be a headache. Changed font style to see if people would like it. And also, Axius's profile is now posted in the Roleplay Section.


  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  February 6, 2016
    I loved this quest and at the same time have such an aversion to this quest. But because I like the house in Markarth more. 
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  February 6, 2016
    Times New Roman font if I'm not mistaken. I prefer that style too.
    How am I going to find a clue in here when there’s absolutely nothing here to look for? Axius thought as he observed the area. Weylin’s room didn’t have nothing that stood out. It ha...  more