Templar Tales: Hunting the Hunter

  • Axius and Sero traversed through the dark woods, hunting for the werewolf that plagued Falkreath’s forests. Torchbugs were floating near the trees, producing dim light and the ground were enveloped by the night mist. They suddenly stumbled upon the corpse of a guard. His body was torn to pieces with body parts scattered all over the area. Blood splatters were found on the trees and rocks nearby. The sight was too gruesome for any man or mer to see.

    “The body seems fresh, he might still be around here”, said Axius as his nose tried to bare the putrid smell. He had been studying about lycanthrophy and their behaviour but seeing it up close was a horrifying experience.

    Even Sero was digusted at the sight. He had been employed by numerous amount of sellswords and fought warlocks, falmers, and forsworns but even a skilled swordsmer would tremble at the sight of ripped flesh and limbs. Suddenly, Sero’s sensitive ears then picked up something and warned Axius.

    “Did you hear that?”

    “Hear what?”, replied the puzzled Imperial

    “He’s here...”, The Dunmer immediately unsheathed his katana followed by Axius with his steel mace and shield. They both pulled out a vial from their pockets and drank it simultaneously. Their eyes started to glow and they were able to see in the dark.

    “Now where are you...?”, asked Sero quietly as the woods became silent. The pair were circling near the dead body with their backs between them, weapons upfront and vigilant as ever despite being tired from the lack of sleep.

    Then out of the darkness, the werewolf emerged and pounced on the duo. They swiftly dodge the attack and faced the beast.

    “Sero, flank him from the side!”, shouted Axius at his partner.  The Imperial was head to head against the 5 feet tall lycanthrope with only a steel shield between them. The werewolf swiped his left claw at Axius but he ducked and struck the werewolf at his left ribcage with his mace then stepped back.

    Sero immediately casted two firebolts at the werewolf’s back, it only managed to singe the beast’s fur which resulted him to shift his focus towards the Dunmer.

    “Come at me you filthy n’wah!”, Sero sprinted towards the charging werewolf then slided underneath him cutting through his abdomen.

    The beast then fell but not before letting out bloodletting howl.

    “What in Oblivion did you do to him?”, questioned Axius as he rushed towards his companion who was struggling to stand up.

    “Oh, it’s just something I used from our last visit to Grave Concoctions.”, replied Sero as he was trying to straighten his back from the slide.

    “ I will never doubt your skill as a Dunmeri spellsword ever again.” , Axius laughed as he patted Sero’s back much to the Dunmer’s chagrin. He then proceeded to look at the werewolf to see if he’s still alive.

    “Oh look, he’s transforming back”

    “It’s about time, I bet this is where you make your speech thing”, said Sero in a imitating tone.

    The pair walked towards the now human werewolf. The mist had dissipated from the ground and moonlight shined across the three individuals as if Hircine himself was watching the fate of his once loyal hound.

    “Sinding, you are guilty for the murder of the child, Lavinia Caerellia, three hold guards and for escaping prison.”, Axius spoke in a antagonizing tone as he eyed down upon the wounded Sinding.

    While the Templar’s main role is aligned with the Vigilants of Stendarr, they are also judge, jury and sometimes, executioner when capturing someone who’s caught performing Daedric activity or breaking the law.

    Sinding had no other choice but to look up at Axius as he clutched his bleeding chest, knowing the fact that he could never outrun Hircine in life or in death.

    “I guess it’s off to the Hunting Grounds for me”, groaned Sinding as he coughed out blood from his mouth.

    “I’m sorry, but may Stendarr have mercy on your soul”

    “Stendarr can’t save me, no one can!”, Those were Sinding’s last words before the blow of Axius’s mace to his head ended him. Axius then pulled out a ring from Sinding’s right ring finger. It was silver with engravings and a head of the wolf.

    “May you find peace in the Hunting Grounds..”, muttered Axius to himself before putting the ring in his satchel.

    Axius became remorseful after hearing Sinding’s words. His uncle taught him that being remorseful is a part of the Templar’s life especially towards lycanthropes. If the Order discovered a cure for Lycanthrophy, then Sinding’s fate would of been a lot different.

    Three guards then approached Axius and Sero. One of them was wearing a steel coif helmet, holding a torch of his left hand while another one wore a steel helmet covered in bear skin. All three widened their eyes in disbelief when they saw the two with Sinding’s dead body.

    “By Talos! You two actually killed him.”, One of the guards was astonished by the fact since two of their finest guards were killed when Sinding escaped.

    “Well go report to the Jarl and tell him to prepare two pouches full of septims in the morning”, coldly said Sero to the guards.

    The two then leaved the guards with Sinding’s body, heading south-west.

    “Where are you two going?”, asked one of the guards as the pair were walking, slowly dissapearing from sight.

    “Camp, we bloody killed him before we could even sleep!”, Axius shouted back at the guards, which made them even more suprised.

    “Pfft, sellswords...” replied the guard.

    Author's Notes:

    So this is the 2nd entry for AMOST and continues from the last post. I think I kinda nailed the combat for the story and added more personality to Axius (I think...). Anyways, hope you enjoy.


  • Idesto
    Idesto   ·  January 16, 2016
    Yes, nice tie-in with Sinding.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 3, 2016
    Always have mixed emotions with Sinding. He has that wonderful gift and yet he squanders it and fights against it. Such a waste of a wolf spirit...
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah!   ·  January 2, 2016
    I always thought Sero was one of the best followers in the game both gameplay and dialogue-wise.
    His dialogues can sometimes be funny especially the College of Winterhold one.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  January 2, 2016
    The tie in to Sinding was a nice touch and it's always a good story with Teldyn Sero, one of my favorite followers. One thing, you did develop Axius more, but just note that by having Teldyn on board, you have a pretty charismatic sidekick. Axius needs to...  more